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Winter gas mileage reports are in!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RexPelagi, Feb 8, 2004.

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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    Dealer: Ummm, drive slower. Anyway its not OUR problem.
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    snuggles Guest

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    yeah that's what i figure they would say, so what is the point of the going to the dealers? It almost seems like a car is a burden to the dealers, when you buy it, it's off their hands. They don't want to fix it. You call them and all they say is :bring it in, let us look at it" and then when the car goes in, the car is fine!
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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    the 17.5 was only a fluke. Im back to a comfortable 16.3 mpg.
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    zhentipede Guest

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    in an automatic if u really wanna save gas ehehehe

    just let the rev go between 1.5 - 2.5 rpm that is my greatest fault specially on take off on the side streets...

    i drove stick most of my days and u can control ur gas pretty much in stick :wink:

    some old fart opinion.... same advice i gave my nephews with v8 f150 in a thirld world country traffic in his case i told him up to 1 - 1.5 only on v8 auto truck lol
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    SERG4U Guest

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    I have an auto and when I keep my rpm's below 3k I save on gas.....but living in Cali. I have to step on it a little more..............or I will never get on the freeway like that, but norm for me is about 20-22 mpg mostly city driving.(150-170 miles a day) I'm @ 49k right now :)

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