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Who here wears their seatbelt?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheOne, Jun 4, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    Awesome. Good first post!!!
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    RogerRepoed2002rolla Guest

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    I have a true story to where no wearing a seatbelt saved someone's life. My sister was in the car with her gay ass ex when he thought to himself like an idiot. I want to street race even though I don't know how to drive.

    To make a long story short he wrecked the car going 110+. Luckly he side swiped the car so it didn't take as much damage as if he just ran straight into the car. Well since my sis didn't have her seatbelt on she hit the dash and fell to the side. Then the hood came through the window. So if she had been wearing her seatbel she would have been decapitated.
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    RogerRepoed2002rolla Guest

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    Oh yeah I forgot to mention I wear my seat belt all the time.
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    starion88esir Guest

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    ALWAYS wear mine. And if you're in a car with me you're wearing it, or you get the fuck out.

    Anyone who doesn't wear a seatbelt is an ignorant bastard and deserves to be weeded out of society. So please, wear it or kill yourself.
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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    Funny thing....my dear little brother had a reck a few months ago in his 1993 Camry. He wasn't wearing his seat belt. He took a curve too fast and ended up running the car up onto the side of an embankment. Anyhow - once stopped, the horn was blaring away. Got the car back home to figure it out. The horn didn't make sense to me, though. He just yanked the horn wire to shut it up. However, upon further investigation....he said he remembered that his a$$ ended up in the passenger seat with legs hanging over the console when he finally stopped. He was apparently hanging on for dear life and he actually bent the steering wheel which lodged the airbag housing (and horn) which caused the horn to be permanently ON.

    Now what if he had let go of the wheel - he would have flown up against the passenger door. What if the door latch had given away? He'd probably be dead or disfigured.

    On another note - if you're one of those people that puts the shoulder strap under your arm or completely behind you, then you'd probably be better off not wearing it at all. Talking about some major rib fractures and internal injuries...yeah.

    The way I see it - I paid good money for my car....I paid good money for the equipment my car came with (to include the seat belts)....I'm going to get my money's worth and use that equipment. Not to mention, I kind of feel naked without it on.

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    TeamElement3 Guest

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    To that, I'll say that you may be able to control your own actions, but you can't control the actions of other people. When some drunk cosses the centerline and hits you head on, you're going to have time to put your seatbelt on before the impact. Is risking your life really worth it?

    IMO, If you say yes, you've got some growing up to do.

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