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Who here wears their seatbelt?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheOne, Jun 4, 2005.

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    maybe you should unplug from the internet for awhile, and learn to handle your problems before you attack people on a forum...mm? that sounds like the BEST solution to me.
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    e_andree E

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    So youve survived through a war....why risk your life dying in a car accident?

    Is your wife on the pill? Its not 100% effective, so does that mean you dont use it?
    What about condoms? Since they arent 100% effective, do ya not use them?

    An accident has to be a very uncommon, freak accident that combines lots of different factors to be the kind that would injure a driver more if they had their seatbelt on. It amazes me that people will risk their life just to be able to say "fuck you government, you dont control me". By not putting your seatbelt on, your raising every one elses insurance.
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    e_andree E

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    A hard t-bone on the drivers side by a cement truck and a f150 will kill ya either way....your either bullshitting like crazy or youve been lucky twice. Lets reverse the scenario....your driving through a green light, and YOU t-bone someone. How will NOT wearing your seatbelt help?<br />
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    Youre 28 with 3 kids.....why risk having your kids grow up without you? And seriously, ya need to follow the doctors advice and get some help. 3 5ths a week is a problem man. And a doctor can help ya with becoming at ease with the past. Do it for your families sake.
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    COROLLA1ZZ New Member

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    all I can say some one was watching out. one I broke my arm and one brused my spinal cord. If it was the other way I might be dead. who knows but if I was still in the drivers side when I was t-boned.I would have been bent like a prezzel becouse bothe cars was almost half the width. I wouls have taked all the blow from them.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    no like if iam late for work or something it doesnt come on short rides that kinda stuff no
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    xplicitcorolla99 Active Member

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    las vegas
    I wear my seat belt,who ever dont they will be sorry and regret.There's alot of retarded drivers out there and not wearing a seat belt will cost your life,if you do ever get to a car accident.Seat belt save my life when i crashed my rolla.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    watch it, Matt...most car accidents happen close to home...don't you know that?
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    those who don't wear theirs.. want to sell me urs, mines is pretty worn out and doesn't retract all the way.
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    rainbow_star New Member

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    driving w/o wearing seatbelt is just like having sex with ___________ (fill in the name here) w/o condom.
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    what's the point, it's like wearing a raincoat in the showers..
    (and before some jackass starts flaming me its a freakin joke...jackass)
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    red 03 corolla s Guest

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    yeah that really says alot about vvti.net, people out here get really defensive over little shit. i think if someone doesnt wear a seat belt then they are intitled to make that personal choice, i dont think its fair to flame them for simply responding to the thread.
    wasnt the question "who wears seatbelts and who doesnt" its a simple question, or is it really a set up to flame people who dont wear seat belts. obviously people are going to get offended on from this thread. call me a pussy or whatever you want, but i think that some people get way to emotional, for instance calling people retarded and shit, i think that thats just uncalled for

    having that said....

    i almost always wear a seat belt, especially with the amount of accidents i have been in. but i would be lying if i said there were not any times where i havent worn seat belts.
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    red 03 corolla s Guest

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    jenna jameson? imo
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    TheOne Guest

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    i don't know about the rest of you guys but i have tried having sex, with and without a condom. and I for one like it without. JMHO.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    aaaaaaaaaaand what's that got to do with driving a car without a seatbelt, again?
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    nope don't wear it. i was like asianrick for 2 years: Commando!...haha..no seatbelt at all in the car. weight reduction!..hell yea...the car was faster....you guys should try it. ahah..

    what are 3 5th's a week?
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    3 5ths of alcohol.

    that's a good amount of alcohol...and a bit expensive after awhile.
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    e_andree E

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    You of all people should be wearing your seatbelt
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    yea i know i should wear my seatbelt i guess i have to get use to it... i know i made a promise a long time ago after i lost someone in an accident that i would wear one...
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    italiancorolla Authorized Stinger Dealer

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    I always where my seat belt, and if my passengers are under 18 years of age they must also. If a friend 18 or over dont want to, that is there stupitity...this is because they get the ticket not me.
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    COROLLA1ZZ New Member

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    guess what I found out a friend of mine that lived in texas, late sat he lost control of his truck and rolled it several times.He was wearing a seat belt and got pinned in the truck upside down. It took 40 min for help to come.His dad was driveing behind him and seen it happen. His dad was with him while he was alive for 30 min but the last 10 min he was dead. He might have had a chance to live with out it.......who know.....only god himself
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    e_andree E

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    He might have had a change to live without it? What kind of crack statement is that?

    He ROLLED IN A TRUCK SEVERAL TIMES. I dont think I have to explain how NOT wearing a seatbelt could have saved him. Geez.
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    SquirrelMaster New Member

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    I wear my seatbelt, i don't think i can drive without one.

    I knew someone who's mom was not wearing a seatbelt. She was in a rush to work and rear ended someone and flew 50 ft through her windshield, hit the pavement, and hit by another car.

    Also another friend of mine and his brother were driving on the freeway and some lady cut all the way across the freeway to exit and t-boned my friend's car. His car rolled about 7-9 times. They both survived. They survived with only bumps and bruises. I highly doubt they would of survived without seatbelts.
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    SquirrelMaster New Member

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    #1, you wouldn't have a hard time putting on your seatbelt when you see a cop if it was on in the first place.
    put it on before you drive and you just solved your "almost an accident at least 20+ times" frequency.

    #2, you shouldn't be driving 90+
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    LowRolla Will work for turbo

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    Oviedo, FL (orlando)
    yeah cuz I'm sure he would've been much better off flying out the window onto the pavement and having the truck roll over him. <img src="http://vvti.net/forums/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)" /><br />
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    Ever seen faces of death? You should watch it. If you do, and still drive without a seatbelt... you deserve whatever you get, because you fucking know better. <br />
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    As for whoever was saying &quot;it's their choice not to wear one, why flame them?!?&quot; Sure, it's their choice - and those of us who don't want to hear about them dying or being seriously injured in a situation that a seatbelt would've prevented are TRYING to talk some sense into them. Not that it works very often, because so many people seem to think they're invincible (just like the street racing crowd)... but if I can make ONE person realize that street racing is dangerous and so is not wearing a seatbelt... I may have directly or indirectly just saved someone's life. I don't want people to die needlessly.
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    j-rolla02 Guest

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    I agree with you lowrolla if you can change the mind of just one person to wear their and/or to not streetrace it makes a difference. I make everyone buckle up before I even put the car in drive and if I have some stupid ricer thats want to play paul walker I tell them to f*ck off cuz its not worth it , tickets or more importantly, a life
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    italiancorolla Authorized Stinger Dealer

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    i agree with the dude, he might have withouth the seat belt. My grandpa was pulling a trailer and the trailer jack knifed. It flipped the truck end over end, he laid acroos the seat thank god and stayed in the truck during the ordill. The cop said that if he had wore his seat belt he prob wouldnt hae survived because the roof caved in and would have crushed him.

    I just thought I would put in my 2 cents because seat belt or no seat belt, you never know if if will help you or not. I sometimes think they are bad, but most of time think it is the greatest thing that was thought of.
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    AlaricD Guest

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    Unless I'm driving from the front of my workplace to the back door, I'm wearing my seatbelt. I feel naked without it.
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    JDLangevin Guest

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    Sorry, but that's retarded thinking. Think about it, first of all if you had your seatbelt on when you started you wouldn't almost be getting into an accident trying to put it on while driving (already mentioned). And how does it restrict your movement? If anything it keeps you in the right driving position. Then you say that you wear it when you're driving over 90. First you say that not wearing a seatbelt saved your life twice, but you wear it at the times when you're most likely to have a high speed crash. How does that make any sense?<br />
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    AlaricD, I love the sig! ROTFL
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    SoCal_CJ Guest

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    a few reasons...

    1 ejection, as a EMT I have pulled folks out of trees, the yard next door to the accident, a kid 140 feet away, simple the car is moving 40 miles per....the car stops...you are still doing 40...ejection is common...getting trapped by my seatbelt never happens, and being tossed to the other side of the front seat saving you is BS too...cars only explode into flames in the movies...

    2 the personal choice thing...BS....don’t wear it and you become part of the taxpayers liability, that means my Med insurance goes up, your med insurance passes the cost to me, then after they stop paying because you need bibs for your drool and depends for your a$$ and the speech therapist so you can do 2 syllable words like "want drink" because of the Dane Brammage you got from being ejected 30 feet in the air and landing on a fire hydrant etc...the Fed pays and raises my taxes...

    3 this is stupid $hit....
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    mingww New Member

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    Vancouver, B.C
    i feel werid if i don't wear them

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