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Who has the best gas prices....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fastrolla96, Dec 12, 2004.

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    Live2drum New Member

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    i understand taht for your dad because he jsut had a gas station but this is walmart... theyl could afford to make no profit... specially if it braught that much business to the store.id say that at least 75% of the people taht come into sams spends over $100
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    Azn_SpICe New Member

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    yeah, a "secret shopper" we have it at sams too, but this chick that is one and our only one....she wears the same jacket everyday and she walks around the store...same place as always, reading the same book or having it in the shopping cart..she's making it easier to recognize her...i've been there a lil over 2 years and it actually went by pretty quick, i have to say, it's ok working there cuz it's not really as boring and i'm always doing something, there's always something to keep me busy...(btw, i'm in the cafe dept.) ...i would hate being cashiers all day, lifting and standing in the same spot for 8 hours. i'm the kind of person that needs to move around.
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    Live2drum New Member

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    im a cahier at sams. ive been there for like 6 months. i don tmind it. its starting to get better cus im starting to be a more senoir casher and i know waht im doing .. so everone comes to me when they dont knwo hkow to do stuff. we have a loss prevention girl too. shes real good, you would never know if you didnt work there. i mean shes there alot but so are alot of the members who have businesses and come in multiple times a week.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Our neighborhood walmart store has two LP people who just walk around. I talk to one of the people that do it and he's an LP for other wal-marts in Tulsa. Its great. Ive helped and seen him do busts before, that guy is awesome when kicks into action freakin tackling people the minute they try to sprint out the second set of double doors....
    Yea, seniority definately has nothing but its positives...I never have to worry bout being at risk of losing my job like the other lower seniority employees who dont know management as well as they should or management doesnt know them as well......so they dont kno how hard they work or if they just so happen to walk by them when they're slackin off.....but yea, i think i can get buy with like anything in my store and they let me do anything mainly cuz im flexable in my job, like the only places i havent workin in my store are the UPC office, Deli (no food handlers), and Photo Lab.....everywhere else....like the ON Operations, Cash office, Pharmacy, Produce, GM Receiving, Grocery Receiving, Meat, Dairy/Frozen, did MTR's to other stores and delivery/pick-up's, all that....did u kno if wal-mart sends you to do something like an MTR (send your stuff to another store that wants it) or pickups, they pay you per mile you drive while you are clocked in on the clock (dont remember how much they pay cuz last time i did MTR was two months ago for pre-holiday stuff)....yea thats awesome drive around and getting paid for work and gas both.....had to drive to do an MTR at another Neighborhood Market and round trip was 17 miles.....another guy got to drive to some other walmart that was 45 minutes away from out store.....yea, definately kool.....im starting to learn telzon functions cuz ive hardly had to ever use one....only when they really need me to, thats when i use one....yup seniority is great....haha...
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Alright well I have to defend wal-mart now......

    Their gas is marked up so high because why not make money.....look on top of nearly every gas station out there and you'll notice there's a satellite there, they get their prices for everything that they sell, including gas. Gas is a set figure depending of where you're at. The gas may be cheaper in Tulsa,Ok than in Oklahoma City, Ok because there are less people that drive here which means gas consumption will be less here. If its a major company like citgo or quiktrip, then they get a set price too. They're told on their computers when the price has changed, then they go out there with that long pole and pull down and change the prices. Their company is gonna change their prices according to the surrounding demographics.....and that surrounding demographic radius can extend from just within the city limits to 50 miles out of the city limits, just however the company decides....wal-mart isnt any different.....I am not afraid to say where i work.....I work at Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market Store #2880, which we received the "Store of the Year" out of every neighborhood market in the nation, we are the number one store. In our demographics, we have a Reasors, Albertsons, two Walgreens, Texaco, Fiesta Mart, two QuikTrips, and other walmarts.....and except for the other walmarts....all of those places are within a 1 square mile radius....what we do to stay in competition and above them is we send out all of our main department leads in Diary/Frozen, Meat/Deli, General Merchandising/Grocery, Produce, and another one who is a floater and just works in like every department. They go out to all of our other rivals and do something called "comp. shop" or "competitive shopping". With this, they carry a little hand-held computer thing that scans their merchandise and puts the price of their items in that computers memory so when they go back to our store, they can change our prices to either match or beat their prices. Thats the beauty of a free market. Because of this, in our PnL (Profit and Loss) reports for the month of November, we were the lowest priced store statistically in Tulsa which isnt anything new anyways.....mainly it was because of turkey's since everywhere else was running out or selling theirs way too high. Anyways, we keep trying to stay matched up with Quiktrip because they are pretty huge here, like everyone goes to Quiktrip for gas...I mean our gas prices always match QuikTrip's so why sell low when we're the number one neighborhood market with tons of customers everyday. I mean why sell less to get more (which honestly takes a long time to work) when you can sell for the same as everyone else and still keep profits level or above level. Talk to me about profits when you get the crazy task of analyzing PnL reports. Plus Murphy's (which is the gasoline station for wal-mart) is for a different company affiliated with walmart just like how sears and k-mart merged and just like how Disney had an affiliation with the makers of the movie "Pulp Fiction" well this is kinda the same situation. Hell, i go to QuikTrip like half of the time. I only trust QuikTrip, Texaco, Fiesta Mart, Shell, and Wal-Mart for gas or anything that they sell inside. Anyways, Id probably keep goin but i dont like posting long posts like this.....
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    Vamp Gunmetal 2001 Corolla S

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    Rosedale, MD
    Gunmetal Grey 2001 Corolla S
    Just saw $1.95 for premium the other day.
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    Live2drum New Member

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    thats cool taht you have the top walmart. but unfortionaly we dont have to best sams. we jsut went threw a renevation and we lost alot of our longtime members... so i guess i was jsut thinking if they lower the gas a bit maybe we could get some of that business back. regain some of our members
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    yea, seniority with employees helps alot cuz we have quite a few people in our store that have been with us for as long as ive been there....and ive been there for a hell-daunting 3 years as of next month. And plus, we dont need require memberships in order to shop at our store, like the Sam's does, so that just gives us less restrictions, that and Tulsa is like booming like none other right now, like they're building sh*t everywhere you look. It was cool tho being number one tho. The home office sent us all custom made rings that looked like class rings that said we were the number one store and then we had a free lunch paid for by our Regional Manager, another one by our District Manager, another one by our Store Manager, and another by the Home Office, and people of the home office actually came out and cooked for us. But it feels good to be a part of something that huge. In Tulsa, we have the number one Neighborhood Market in the Nation (81st and Sheridan which is my store, #2880) and the number two ranked supercenter in the world....it might be the nation but im pretty sure its the world..(thats at 71st Street and 145th E. Ave and i think that store number is #472) (im just putting these numbers and addresses here just in case you ever feel the need to make sure that what im telling you is accurate and not a lie)....that was a huge surprise to know all that in stupid ass Tulsa but its alright i guess..btw, Supercenters, Neighborhood Markets, District 1 Wal-Marts, and Sam's Club's are all in different divisions....so just to clear this up, our little store didnt beat the supercenter.....we won our division and that supercenter came in second of their division....hmm...im wondering whether i should pawn this ring cuz i dont wear it and its taking up space on my desk in my room where i could be putting loose change or something actually valuable there instead of that ring....haha....dayum it, i need to hurry up and quit wal-mart,i have been there way too long and know way too much about the company......and alotta things that the company probably doesnt want me to know but whatever....such as "did you know if you were to shoplift something from a wal-mart, they can not persue you out the door unless they are a member of management, a loss prevention affiliate (undercover or operative)"....and yes, wal-mart has undercover loss prevention people who dress up in normal clothes and their job is just to walk around and watch suspicious activity and do everything they can to stop shoplifters, defacing of any type, or any vandalism....
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Gas Prices as according to you guys in the order that you posted your response on this thread.....
    my place.....Tulsa, Ok - $1.59
    Delaware - $1.82
    Whittier,CA - $2.00+
    Campbell, CA - $2.53
    Cleveland, OH - $1.54>adjusted to $1.52
    San Francisco, CA - $1.99
    Vancouver, Canada - $0.751/per liter
    Reno, Nevada - $1.89
    Pheonix, AZ - $1.87-$1.96
    Montgomery, AL - $1.77
    Cedar Falls, Io - $1.89....not to be confused with $1.47...hehe
    Deptford, NJ - $1.70
    Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada - $0.799/per liter ($3.02 gal. (CAD)=$2.46 USD)
    Florence, SC - $1.67
    Huntsville, AL - $1.75-$1.89
    Palm Beach, FL - $2.00(±)
    PA-NJ (i guess thats 2 states) - $2.00
    Corona, CA - $1.99
    Towson, MD - $1.95

    Grade of gas is pending....i didnt list the grade types....if you would like to check, just look back at the other replies to this post.....they are in order...
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    Nice list, but it also depends what grade of gasoline you pump.
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    Azn_SpICe New Member

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    it is now $1.91 here in corona's SAMS CLUB
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    Los Angeles
    i just bought 20 bucks of 87 gas from 76 @ 2.03 a gallon
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    CadetLee Guest

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    I pay $1.93-$1.95 for 87 octane.
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    dragonhuntur Sunny So.Cal

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    $1.99 at ARCO :D It's actually in the 1's!!!!
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    Deptford, New Jersey
    i just payed $1.74 for 87 here in Deptford, NJ
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    fastrolla96 speedbumps..yum

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    just got better here in Oklahoma. It's currently 1.52 for gas. It was so cheap I filled up my car with 93 octane which was like 1.68. I used to use 93 along time ago, but gas recently has been expensive until now. Don't think it will last this long though...
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    UPDATE>>>Holy Crap, just like FastRolla96 said....here in Tulsa, Ok....gas went down from freakin $1.59.....to $1.52.....beat that!!!....hahaha
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    blancokracker Guest

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    mines not the lowest but it was a odd. The price band was really small. when I got gas 87 was 1.69, 89, 1.76, and 93 1.77?!?! Only one cent differernce. I had to check the gas pump to see if they didn't mess up with the sign lol.
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    CivicEater Guest

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    1.92 in ghettotown hollywood.. at the Hess station

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