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Where can I get the 9005/9006 male/female connectors?

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by darrenwang, Jul 3, 2003.

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    FC Drifter Guest

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    move on, nothing to see here, changed my mind. sorry for the wasted bandwidth.
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    stinky Guest

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    "well HE started it!"

    Just kidding. You know what. When ppl say stuff about a certain profession that I am a part of I dont usually take offence to it. If its a personal attack at me, then yes it bothers me. But if I know that I am not the one included in the description then I have no problem with ppl having that opinion.

    So as an Engineer yourself. Do you find any problems with my numbers? As a side note, the first 2 years of electrical engineering in Canada are the exact same 2 years for electricians. Just that the last 2 years differ in the fact that the electrical side deals more with installations of equipment, and power factor correction. And I am assuming in Electrical engineering they teach more theory of stuff.

    As an engeneer You should also be able to agree that things you have put on paper, when you went to hook it up you had to make revisions to it for it to work right? If I am wrong then you are the minority in my "personal" experience with engineers. I have not yet seen a blue print that did not require some modification to make eveythng work. But Also the guys that come out to see why we are saying it wont work have seemingly NO experience on the tools. So we have to explain why it wont work in different terms than we would use to talk to an experienced guy.

    Really though in this case experience does not matter. As long as the thoery has been tought and understood, and the formulas make sense then we all should be able to agree that running 2 - 16G wires is better than running 1 - 16G wire. After all thats what started this whole topic.

    And if I offended anyone. I am sorry. I try to keep my stronger opinions off this forum, The last thing we need is a mini VVT.net over here.
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    FC Drifter Guest

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    Hey, you weren't supposed to read that. I posted and then said, it's worth not bickering on a car forum about it and retracted it.

    But since you posted a response, yes there has been times when the theory on paper doesn't work. For me it is mainly to do with the locations where the equipment is going, basically placement, things not mounted the way I designed, electrical interference...etc. It happens.

    Nothing wrong with the numbers, what it boils down to is using 2 resistors in parallel instead of 1 of the same resistor in order to lower the overall impedence and the voltage drop.

    Didn't mean to get all snippy and mean, just took it the wrong way. No offense was taken after thinking about it a bit. Sorry guys.
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    darrenwang Guest

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    I disagree. I don't think anyone here took the wrong way. In the middle of discussion, or even arguement, we express how we think and somehow learn something. Theory is the fundamental, and actual work will be based on theory with some modification in reality. Eevryone has good sport here and I see nothing wrong with it.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    This is pretty amusing to me. At the risk of being flamed, I am a Canadian Engineer and I have worked with electricians in the past. I'm currently working on a project with the US Navy.

    Stinky's right.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    Couldn't resist playing with the numbers... Three 450V/4009A generators? That's 5400 kVA. Assuming homes have 100 amp service, you've got enough to power to feed 450 homes. Las Vegas has a population of 500,000 and Calgary's close to a million.
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    statik New Member

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    You got it stinky, everything adds up... I am 3 years into being a Canadian Electrical engineer, Personally I think about 3/4 of the people I got to school with are morons that are good in math, and I can't see very many designing anything phyisical that would actually work. I started as a self taught electrical engineering type, I did (and still do) repair almost anything electronic specifically monitors and audio equipment. The majority of people in my program have no practical skills and don't even know how to solder or what AWG means...

    I guess what this whole tread comes down to is that Stinky was right in his first post, no doubt about it. You have my support and my hobies are electromagnetics and power supply design.

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    Hirolla Guest

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    OK OK, I think this has gotten a bit out of hand. I could be wrong but I don't think we all came here to trade blows over something as simple as how to wire 7 feet of line for some headlights. I'm openly apologizing to anybody who may have taken any offense to anything I may have written. I feel that this has gotten a little too personal and the fact that anyone is comparing anyone to "morons" is completely inappropriate in my opinion. I don't know ANY of you and nobody here knows me. I hope to think that from the basic conversation (before it turned into a battle royal) was enough for everyone to get a little something from considering we all obviously have enough knowledge on the issue to take it THIS far. I can honestly say that I do understand Stinky's way of thinking on this issue. I completely see his logic NOW. Maybe I wasn't as clear before but I DO realize where he's going with it. I would appreciate it if the people here had enough respect here to keep from lashing out on others about how smart they are... no matter WHAT anybody writes on this forum, it will give NO ONE enough evidence to make a conclusion of anyones intelligence. I never once said that Stinky didn't know what he was talking about OR called him stupid, and idiot etc. etc. I would like to think that the originator of this post has gotten enough out of this to accomplish his objective at hand... after all we didn't all come to this forum to fight (I hope), we all came here to HELP, because that's exactly what we come to this site to do right?

    No hard feelings to anyone, I hope that you all feel the same.

    To finally put this all to rest, I think I've dug a little too deep into something I really haven't heard of. I didn't know enough about "doubling" wires to even say anything. It's just that in the last 3 years I've never heard of it, but like I said in an earlier post... I'm going to be going away from this thread having learned a thing or two, hopefully I'm not the only one.
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    stinky Guest

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    IN the words of my freind Sid the Sloth "I'm too lazy to hold a grudge".

    I like a good debate now and then. I never felt like my inteligence was being questioned. I just relized that my original idea was not stated clear enough.

    I know what you mean about the electrician morons! I work with all of them! I am convinced that 95% of the electrical trade is ful of trained monkeys. They have been shown how to do something so they can keep doing that thing. But as soon as you give them spomething new they are lsot. O like to think I am an exception to that, and that I have found a good way to use my knowledge. I am not the smartest guy here, and I know there is lots to be learned from everyone.

    No hard feelings. And again I hope I didnt offend anyone. :lol:

    oh, and its nice to be right at the end of the discussion as well.


    Talk to your professors about this still anyway. They may be able to explain it better than I shoed, and they could give you some more practical reasons for it as well.

    If you havnt gotten into it already I think DC power transmition is also very interesting.
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    Hirolla Guest

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    Will do, the only that I was hanging on to was the fact that we weren't taking any heat loss into account but, to be honest I'm too lazy to figure it out anyway! :lol: I'm just going to go with it then, I really do understand it when it's stated as being similar to placing two resistors in parallel because if that's the case then the overall resistance between the two wires would be reduced.
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    stinky Guest

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    thats right. To figure out the heat loss is easy. But point less.

    Just take your voltage drop in the wire and multiply it by the current going through it. That will give you the watts lost in the wire. That should also add to the wattage we found the bulb to be running at, to give you the total wattage of 100 again.

    It all ties in with Murphy's law! or was that Lenz?? oh well.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    stinky Guest

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    WOW! Its like a little quiz!!
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    oxymoron Guest

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    Did you pass?

    "Just take your voltage drop in the wire and multiply it by the current going through it. That will give you the watts lost in the wire. That should also add to the wattage we found the bulb to be running at, to give you the total wattage of 100 again."

    Guess not.
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Was there only those two questions, or is my browser choking?
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    stinky Guest

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    why didnt I pass? I didnt evenm take the test.
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    Hirolla Guest

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    Incredible test... it took me all of 30 seconds to do it. No, actually it's a neat idea... just needs MORE PROBLEMS!

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