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Forced Induction Turbo 1ZZ-FE, is it really worth it?

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Barnacules, Aug 30, 2005.

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    wow, i love the speculation on my setup... rocks... teach me to walk away from the console for more than a day... Ok, Andy is pretty close...

    My old setup maxed out (and we're talking borderline explosive possibilities here) could pull in the neighborhood of high 12s. I ran (and still do) run with the setup tuned to run in the neighborhood of mid to high 13s. Its fuckin plenty fast. I'm not out to race the nation here.

    DR's and CR98's assessment of how the car feels is valid. I took them out last week... i'm still cleaning the love stains out of my backseat. Thanks Damir. (soo jk, sick shit) --- (oh yeah, and i fixed the wastegate issue, oh fuck yes, she's doin great now).

    As for building a kit. Ok, well I've gotten a few requests. I'll run the numbers, etc... I'll keep ya posted. I'll only play around with this for the 98-02 models tho. (DR you're the exception)
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    mid to high 13's

    thats not bad at all for a corolla

    scare the shit outta people on the streets

    how much psi, vortex?
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    01rollas New Member

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    should i not be able to get the more power than what i previously had then i will jsut put my car back to stock and possibly the entire thing and get rid of it. i wil just buy something that is AWD, 4WD i am not sure but the Avvy is still my top priority either way. I have been considering the BMW 5 Series and the 6 as well . Money has been coming in lately so i plan to get something better if a 5 or 6 series BMW it will be used more than likely a new one is too way expensive and too much for me, personally.

    i love my car but after seeing,reading and hearing all the problems they have and how they are limited it just makes me feel like shit. Honestly that is the only complaint i have. with the three months i will be gone starting in OCT., i wil have the car getting prepped for painting and other stuff. but if i can't get a turbo that will be reliable and worth paying for i am serously thinking of getting rid of it or using as a daily driver.But i will wait till comes to that point for now.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Exactly what I'm doing :D..... I'm boring mine out to a 2.0, build it for turbo 100% and swap to a 5spd (maybe LSD) and run the same set up that Vortex is running now but with a higher output turbo :p.... I'm sure I'll be in the low 12's with what I plan to do :cool:
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    Phozenstone New Member

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    low 12's?? plan sounds good but i think 12's is beyond achievable unless u throw massive amounts of time and money into the motor alone, but then with that much, how will u drive ur car everday?
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    yea low 12's are kind like hard to reach but well hopefully I'll be in the 12-13 area with that I'm more than good..... and well I'll probably use this car as a daily driver for a bit and probably down the road buy a used 93-97 rolla as a grocery getter :D
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    from what ive herd and from what we have planed for his car... he is thorowing an awful lot of money in to it... and as far as driving everyday... you just turn down the boost so as to not slam in to the back of the person in front of you...

    sweet shit...
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Yes indeedy, I'm planning on throwing about 8-9 grand in the car to make it complete, I'm for sure doing engine, tranny first and w/e is left from that for decent fresh paint and few exterior mods, I'm planning on leaving maybe a grand or so out in case of damage or something.... can never be too sure.
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    Phozenstone New Member

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    are u comin out wit a kit or just a couple custom ones for people who requested it? if u make it i will deff fork out the money, i have the money sittin right here but no one seems to want to make one yet, including dr tweak, by the look of his plans, we wont get to it till late next year i think
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    /\ same here, minus a few 100 bucks
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    i'm serious about doing it -- however, people are going to have to understand it will take some time. The only issues I'm currently fighting with are:

    1) production time of manifolds - this is my biggest issue aside from
    2) production of IC piping

    Aside from those two major hurdles for time, it's just time consuming and i've got to figure the appropriate price out for different parts.

    to answer the question above to the 13s question. around 12psi @ sea level. a lot of it depends on tuning as well. LoSX should be around mid to low 14s with his setup as it sits (judging by this dyno) and he's at 7.5psi (i believe)

    Feel free to correct me Lo. :)
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    eh I'm more than good with a 13 sec Corolla lol it'll be a first around here, mostly in the southside RICE HEAVEN lol
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    aint that the truth... had this kid in an subie giving me shit this mornin... wasnt even a turbo, just all kinda ghei shit done to it --- chrome is a privledge, not a right... i ate him for breakfast.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    MmMmM taco bell.... *Drool*
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    :lol: ahh man I love just the great taste of Taco Bell and the sweet sound of fart cans and Honda drivers being cocky about their shit..... ahhh man nothing like it
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    turbokits.com New Member

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    You seem to have a vendeta out agains't TurboKits.com. Why So?

    We don't sell just low quality kits. We sell tons of kits GReddy, Turbonetics, Rev Hard, DRAG, STAR, Full Race, Fab Works, SSR, APS, etc... Just because 1 manufacturer makes a kit that you do not like doesn't mean that all of the products we sell are crap.

    Or maybe you think that we actually make the kits, however, we do not.

    Again, I can't change your mind about 1 particular kit. But just because 1 kit isn't up to your standards doesn't mean that our whole company is crap and all we sell is crap!

    Jesse @ Turbo Kits.com

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    pupo New Member

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    Maybe you can post some pictures off the actual setup, pictures of the actual install, dyno charts, etc... Maybe that way we would think about buying your turbo kit for the 98 - 02 Corolla's. What do you think.
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    wow, companies really are aware of the power internet messageboards have on their reputation

    question turbokits. how did u come about this thread about bashing your site?

    did u search for negative comments towards turbokits on google or something, or were you informed about it?
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    e_andree E

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    And is any of the negativity towards turbokits.com have any legitimate backing? Cuztomz, post up why you feel that way
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    jtweezy New Member

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    hey didn't somebody from this forum or the other have problems with there kit from turbokits.com???? I"m pretty sure there was somebody with some problems.....hey Turbokits.com where was your customer from??? Any chance he's from Texas?
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    OK, to set this straight on my end.

    I have nothing against turbokits.com --- i'm simply stating that the turbo kits for *SPECIFICALLY* the Corolla are not the best route to take for turbocharging your Corolla. (at least the 98-02 models)

    In the rumor mill but has not been proven:

    1) they don't fit correctly

    In the rumor mill but has been proven by usage of similar devices:

    1) the turbo in the kit is not the best solution for the corolla to maximize bang for buck

    2) the fueling system, is extremely inadequate -- while it may work for a short period of time, reliability is very low for this type of setup.

    Now keep in mind, you can boost your car with one of these kits, however, my strongest suggestion is if you do, ditch the fuel components --- while they work in the short term (or seem to) they end up doing some major damage to things such as your injectors and fuel pumps. (once again this is corolla specific)
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    turbokits.com New Member

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    I am working on getting this stuff from previous customers. We have sold many of the 1ZZFE kits just this year and have not taken a return on 1 yet. I am following up with those customers to get some pics, DYNOs and overall info about the kit.

    I had a customer call asking about the kit yesterday. He said saying there was alot of negative feedback on it. I immediately asked where, he sent a few of the posts and the rest is... Well "current events" :)

    We are also working with this customer to give him a kit at a discount, work with him on the install and get some real world feedback from him.

    Can't say who he is exactly, we have had many customers for the 1ZZ Corolla.

    The 2 extra injector set up has been used by Turbonetics for years. The TSI Extra Injectors and Controller are basically the same set up. We also offer the AFC fuel option for people who want to upgrade the 4 injectors and tune it from there.
    I have delt with support from the best of the maufacturers to some of the smaller ones. As long as we are there to support the customer and their issue. They end up being just a minor inconvienence and not the end of the project.

    I would like to thank everyone for the feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions and stay tuned for updates from current kit users :)
    Jesse @ Turbo Kits.com

    More info:


    This is the first release of the new install instructions so it is still not 100%. But it shows good pics & a routing of the IC piping.

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    ctam1986 Chicken

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    the kit looks good
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Now there's some interesting pipe routing.

    Overall the kit looks pretty good - however it should be noted that this kit (or at the very least the instructions) do not appear to cover *all* versions of the 1ZZ in the Corolla's. The example used in this instruction set is a 00-02 model if I'm not mistaken. These use MAF sensors which are not used by the 98-99 models which utilize the MAP sensor setup.

    I still have reservations about relying soley on the additional twin injectors, however it should be good for up to 6psi. Much above that the fuel consumption will exceed the volume tolerances for the stock fuel pump. This can be "patched" by installing a higher flow fuel pump, however I'd still recommend using something which can modify and retard timing a bit as above 8psi you tend to get a little ping despite having proper fuel mixtures.

    The layout of the kit overall appears to be good. Pretty much only 2 ways you *can* do it on these cars, so the model used by turbokits.com will do. The exhaust/downpipe setup is nice --- props there. I prefer my exhaust setup, however that aleviates some of the problems with clearances that I ran into. Good job. :)

    As for performance, not having tried one of these out - it's hard to say how it compares to known good/custom setups from my own personal experiences.

    OVERALL here is my verdict:

    Aside from appearing to be a slight pain in the ass to install (what turbo conversion for N/A engines isnt right?) it looks as though at the very least this kit can get you started. The instructions and some actual pictures really help to show what's going on with this kit.
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    turbokits.com New Member

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    I appreciate the honest feedback... I just sent the kit out to a "test mule" in WA state. He is going to get everything ready to install this thing once we all get back from SEMA. He will take vids, pics and DYNOs. This should be a good testimonial for the kit.

    Speaking of SEMA. If I magically seem to disappear next week, that is where I am :D

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    haha I think I just might know your "test mule" lol

    I'll be paying close attention to this as well as offering advice along the way if needed. I'd like to see this work out and a production kit be available for the Corolla. I'd have produced one myself, however time just does not seem to be my friend lately. However, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know, I'm open to donate some time to ensure this thing is a success. At the very least, a good kit out there is the ultimate goal for the community.

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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    absolutely :)

    you got a customer right here, if you can produce me a kit worth buying
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    LoSx New Member

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    the kit does look good.. however i hate the pipe placement... although it does work... I actually though of doing my pipes somewhat similar but though such a long run would hvae more of a pressure drop and too many connectors/chnaces to bounce around..
    Few things the additional injectors should be fine but vortex is right the fuel pump starts giving up over 6psi or so in terms of volume...

    What I really like yet also dislike is how it bolts up to everything stock! You keep your air box and your exhaust... however these rob power as well vs a big cone filter and a larger exhaust system... but then again you can always upgrade those later on... as a base kit its a nice kit.. uses a small turbo for fast spool but doesnt give as much possibility for high boost... however how many peopel actually will build there engines... (i plan to as im sure vortex and a few others have as well)

    This appears to be an 00 - 02 model... now you may have problem if you dont recirculate the bov but i guess youll find out if you do or not... its not that big a deal but it can cause you to stall if you neutral your car after a pull..

    This kit doesnt look like the kit that I saw pictures of (the people whos kits didnt fit) this kit actually look like itll do ok..

    As with vortex I recomend either a piggy back (emanage or split second etc) or full ecu replacement....

    On in all it looks to be the same quality of the stafford kit... just a different direction in terms of piping and how they handle fuel...

    Ill also be watching as this continues... its not the best looking or best performing kit but hell if you just want to turbo it and run 7psi or so and stop there then this should work fine...

    I have seen additional injector systems work very wel so im not going to bash that at all... its prob better then staffords little black box

    Yeah I think the piping route I went with and I think Travis has the same one is a bit better but may not work with the t25...

    Also what kind of manifold I couldnt see it in the picture... The instructions somewhat suck... but they are better then most kits which have 0 instructions... the piping layout will definately help out a LOT!

    I dont liek the 90 degree turn at the throttle body because of pressure drop as well but it again wont hurt much if you arent going for max power...

    All in all dont expect the kit to make the power a true custom system liek mine or travis but expect it to still give the car a nice kick!
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Question? How does a °90 bend cause a pressure drop? Especially when it’s going from 2" to 3" in the conversion? I mean it might create some turbulence in the air but I don't see how it could actually affect the pressure if the pipe is charged to full PSI? I turn on my air compressor and the hose is wrapped 10 times around a small spool and I still get the same PSI out the other end as I set at the compressors regulator and that hose is like 24ft long. Also don't you want the shortest pipe run as possible? Because more pipe = bigger capacity = more turbo lag time right? I'm not turbo genius as I don't even drive a turboed car but I would like to see some more data on this stuff. I'll keep watching the thread so I eventually can understand it all. Also the kit claims 6 PSI which by all rights seems reasonable. And that’s about all you’re going to want to run on stock internals anyways right? I'm guess the majority of the people that boost are going to run on stock internals but for the few that want to maximize potential they can use the T28 or go with something even bigger right? All in all it just would be nice to have a company that makes a kit that works that we can all install in a weekend instead of having to setup appoints with SF or some other fly by night operation and wait 8 months to get it. I think these kits are in stock and ready to ship. But I think making suggestions for improving the kit is definatly stuff TSI needs to hear so keep it comming I just don't understand some of it and that is my reason for this post ;)
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, I think we'll actually have to test for a pressure drop in order to prove it'll happen. I have a 50/50 thought on the pressure drop with that setup... I will say this, the drop should be minimal. This is definitely something to follow and ensure that the kit is tested, fixed if necessary and pushed on the market.

    To answer the question of the thread... is it really worth it? omg yes. :)

    For those wondering, this is the pipe setup I run for my IC and placement.


    looks slightly different now, but the routing is all the same.

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