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The Face Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Patsfan123, Aug 17, 2003.

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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Physical looks aren't the most important thing anyway. :shock:
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    pkpss Guest

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    That maybe true but it can ring a good first impression anyday. :p
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Yeah...I know, sad but true. Looks are what catches people's eyes (yes eyes, plural :wink: ), but once they get past that, it's all about who the person really is inside!
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Hey thanks all for the checking on that badge. I'll stick it on the valve cover tonite, and get pics of the Weapon-R, post them in the other thread.

    So what does a woman see first on a guy that attracts her?

    With me, I notice a woman's smile first. Nothing like a smile that lights up a room. Implies "fun person to be around".
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    oddfish Guest

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    All I can say is, I like what I like. I may like something about one girl, but not the same thing about another girl, can't really explain it(even to myself :lol: )
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Yeah, agree on that, but what makes you turn and look a second time after you've seen a new female (or male for the ladies) for the first time?

    Just fodder for tonite's attempt to get to 50 pages. I won't be able to help much, I have to go back to work and change a bunch of network passwords. Nature of the beast (job).
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    razz422 Guest

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    I’d say it’s the “shape”.
    It attracts me if the shape is attractive.
    Attractive smile is a part of attractive shape.
    Attractive body is a part of attractive shape.
    It basically includes everything you see in your eyes (eye with no “s” for Kelli). :lol:
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    oddfish Guest

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    i'm all about the left eye :lol:

    actually razz pretty much said what I was trying to say, its not usually only one thing that stands out, but the way everything comes together
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    razz422 Guest

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    Yup, the way everything comes together.
    Even a nicest smile is ruined if she has an Einstein hairstyle. :lol:
    I must say, I like it when each peace has right shape and are positioned right as well.
    If they are not positioned right, then they are just another Picasso’s painting. :lol:
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Ok, found a pic of me. It's from a article in Network World magazine, about a year ago. I haven't changed much since then, except I've got a haircut since. :D

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    Baby Lex Guest

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    I agree. You're looking for the complete and right package! :wink:
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    snuggles Guest

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    :shock: WoW i am shocked. :shock: I didn't think guys ACTUALLY think like that. I have guy friends that are so center on one thing. "She's gotta be hot". And they would say stuff like that. She's gotta have this and that. And in reality they're not that hot themselves. I have girl friends that are like that. "he's gotta be hot" He has to have this and that. And they aren't that hot themselves. So sometimes i want to shoot them.

    Me personally, the things i look for in a guy is that he has to be pretty laid back. He has to have a nice personality, ok body, taller than me and have a good sense of humor.

    03ToyMan - u look so professional. U look like some CEO is a big company or something.

    I know i am not fat, i just like saying it :lol: . I am actually underweight for my age and height. The doctor said i need to gain at least 10 lbs. Not good. I think i am gaining weight though. I've been eating four meals a day and some snacks in between. :oops:
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    As long as you're healthy...that's all that matters. It's not so much the "weight" factor, as how you actually look. When I tell people how much I weigh, they never believe me. Even though I haven't stepped on a scale in over 2 years, for my own reference, I still get weighed at the doctor's, etc. To me, weight is not an important thing. It's definitely no way to judge how one looks or feels.

    Like I said, people don't believe me when I tell them what size I really am, or how much I weigh. I'm taller than most of my girl friends, so I guess that has something to do with it. I'm not "skinny", i'm "athletic", but not "meaty". I'm not a very self-confident person, but I am happy with the way I look.
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    snuggles Guest

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    same here i guess. but my friends would bug me about it. Like i weigh 106 lbs and i don't look like i weigh that much, when i tell my friends, they're like "no u don't, u look like u are about 90 lbs". I am skinny, but i don't look sickly skinny. U know how some skinny people, look sickly skinny??? well i don't look like that. My friends say i am proportional and what not, but then they bug me about being skinny. they are odd. i get more guys than them, so i guess being skinny doesn't bother me that much.
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    razz422 Guest

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    What I said is about the first impression. Ofcourse I look for other things, but those are first thing I see.

    03Toyman looks so professional. Looks like he’s an expert in more than one area.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Being skinny isn't a bad thing at all. Most guys are attracted to girls like that. Just not ones like you said, that are sickly skinny. Some guys like a little meat, some like skinny, some like athletic...it's all personal taste.

    My friends say I'm in proportion as well. Tall and athletic, broad shouldered and shapely hips, long legs, and all that jazz.
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    pkpss Guest

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    You hit my theory right in the forehead. I hate to be shallow and all, but when it comes down to it, if you aren't attracted to the person, why be with them?
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Not CEO of that company, but I am CIO there. I am CEO of my own company, when I feel like doing work in it. Rarely these days.

    My wife says you folks should see how I look after a day under the cars, and intends to sneak a pic of that someday.

    I used to center on looks a lot. I've had girlfriends that were models in magazines (not big time yet), ones that every time I walked in a bar with them somebody wanted to fight me, one that was a dancer at a men's club down in Massachusetts. Then I realized that if you truly enjoy being with and around a person, they could look like Saddam Hussein in drag and it wouldn't matter. Looks fade in time. And you can't put a bag on a bad personality!
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    snuggles Guest

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    Yeah that's true, but that shouldn't be the only thing you want a person for. My friends are like strictly on the "hotness" level of a person. they would scoff at guys that are not "hot" and it's the same with my guy friends too. It just bothers me that some people only "holler" at really "hot" people. U can have the prettiest girl, but if they don't have personality, u only have her to look at. But there are girls that are pretty and fun. But nowadays, it seems like people are getting prettier.

    Yeah, some guys are different. sometimes i see really cute guys that goes with "meaty girls" or girls that are not quite as pretty as him. then there are the "pretty" people where the guy and the girl are pretty. Like all the guys i've been with are all different. I guess i am still going through that experimenting stage.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Yeah...that's what they call dating..haha. It's nothing but a big experiment.

    They say that most people tend to look like their "other half". This is true most of the time, when I look at my friends and all. I think the thing is that most people are looking for themselves when looking for their soulmate.
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    razz422 Guest

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    That’s so true. :lol:
    First impression ==> Interested ==> Talk and find out more ==> More interested ==> Date ==> Works out well ==> Married
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    And like was said earlier...first impressions are the kicker! They have the greatest impact!
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    snuggles Guest

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    Yeah first impression are like the most important part of the whole "dating" thing. But i really do feel sorry for the people aren't exactly "pretty". Like my best friend is a really "meaty" girl and like no guys ever talk to her. so i don't think she likes hearing talk about guys too much. But then again she's picky about the guys too. like she wants a guy that's hot and stuff. So sometimes i have to tell her "you're not completely perfect, ya know".

    The whole soulmate thing. . . haven't found mine yet. :cry: But then i'm still young, so maybe he'll come around when i am around 24 or something. God is probably letting me go out and use my "flirt juice" before i really have to settle down. I don't think a lot of people marry anymore. It's like why settle down for one, when u can have a lot?
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    razz422 Guest

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    It happens when you can be sure that having this particular one is better than having an infinite number of others. :)
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    When you least expect to get settled down, expect it. I got tired of going out all the time, running from cops, waking up wondering where the hell I was, who the hell that is laying next to me, and who the hell do I have to apologize to next time I see them. Figured I needed some responsibility, and one-night flings with whatever I found at a bar wasn't gonna cut it anymore. So I quit going out. THAT is when I met my wife, at work!

    "having a lot" is dangerous these days. If you don't end up with some disease, you may end up having a Law and Order based on you. Be careful! Can't say how terrified when I think of my daughter going out on her first date!
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    snuggles Guest

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    Oh yeah, i know. Like i would never have a one nite stand. It's not good. It's like u are not giving yourself a chance to avoid it. Cuz u dunno the person long enough to know if he/she has it. Of course they are gonna lie about it. "no i am clean, promise". yeah right :roll: .

    Not trying to worry you or anything, but kids nowadays starts really early. My younger sister had a friend who gave birth to her first baby in the 8th grade. The girl was like 13 when she had the baby, so that means she started when she was 12. Kids these days. . . :?
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    razz422 Guest

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    Wow! That’s the earliest I’ve ever heard of. By the time she becomes 43, her baby’s already 30...
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    oddfish Guest

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    man I can't imagine having kids for years, not till I have a house to put them in and enough money to spoil them s***less :) . Its a shame with these young kids having babies, my friends 15 year old sister just had her baby and the father is in juvi of all places :(
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    pkpss Guest

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    I think my gf is like the only one from her middle/high school friends that didn't give birth as well (they all gave birth really early as well). It sucks for the kid IMO, but that's life I guess. :shock:
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    actually girls, on that note, this i guess only applies to angel but i have an indian doctor and being indian he pointed out a very interesting yet completely ture fact to me. what he said is that if i got to a american doctor, he will tell me i'm supposed to be this many pounds and this height and that is based off of the body structure and the food types of the natives of here, what also plays a role in this is how many generations your family has been here, for example in my famiily, i'd be the first generation to have been here. i guess what i'm saying is that as per that doctors estimates, even though you may be underweight or shor or what ever, you gotta look at that from the country of your nativity, what is the average for a person your size and go with that if you are lesser than 4th generation.

    on the note of how my opinion of girls, obviously like all guys, looks are important but not enough to over shaddow the important stuff like the attitude, behavior, personality and all that good stuff. cuz i mean the way i look at things is the worst case scenario. its better to have an educated woman who is perfectly capable of supporting her self in the future god forbid anything bad was supposed to happen. me and kelli touched on this topic ever so slightly last night cuz of her away message and when i say that i mean long term which is in terms of what me and i guess most people my age would be looking at rather than a fling.

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