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Engine Still waiting on my SF turbo kit

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by System Error, Jun 17, 2004.

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    System Error Guest

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    From Catalyst:

    OK, i know it has taken longer than promised. And for that i am sorry. I have tried to respond to all questions, until my email server went down approx. 3-4 weeks ago. We averaged 1 call every 3 minutes for the past several weeks, and we havent really been taking any new orders.

    Anyway, to the people that called and actually got through, here is the proof that your kits are ready to be shipped. We have all the complete civic kits and 1 waiting on a fuel system for the Group Buy people, with an added 3 semi-complete kits to sit on the shelves. Added to this, we have 3 celica GT kits, 2 celica GTS kits, 1 corolla kit, 1 matrix kit, and then 2 more civic kits in their respective shipping boxes.


    Thanks, for finding that, I hope, I'm the corolla kit. I don't see any black pipes in that picture, unless mine's in a box already. Man I can't wait to get it!!!!!!!!!!
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    sean2sean Member

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    so cal
    when did u reach them? and who u spoke to?
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    System Error Guest

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    I spoke to Mike, not sure which one, I think Stafford. He called me at work...yesterday (Monday) I wasn't expecting that. He soundn'd sad, didn't sound like they were doing too good, but he did say that they were working through everything and that they weren't going to screw over anyone. So that's good. Richard sent me my tracking number last night, I checked it this morning and they had sent my kit out last night and it's going to be (at my old house :mad: ) on monday. So I'll have to drive there and pick it up, but that's OK....After everything I've been through to get it...I really don't mind.
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    RacingSolution New Member

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    Awesome man... if u have a 98-02 Sean and I can help you out with where things go....

    Expect the install to take a few days :)


    Just saw in ur sig u have an 03... but we'll try anyways. :)
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    System Error Guest

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    Thanks, like I said before, I don't think the piping should be that hard (could be wrong). but the fuel system sounds kind of hard to install, especially if they don't give instructions, I hope they do. I don't think I'll hook up the alc. inj. by my self, cause I don't know what I'm doing. I also have a TurboXS dual boost controller that I'm going to probalby take to a shop tp install, mainly cause you need a boost guage to install it, and I don't have one yet. I hope I don't fuck my car up trying to install this damn turbo kit.
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    System Error Guest

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    They shipped my kit out last night, it should be here Monday. They shipped it to the wrong address, but I'll just drive there and pick it up, I didn't even tell them. I'm so excited. He said to make sure all the parts are there, and call him if something is missing...lol I hope it comes with directions or some kind of parts list or I won't know if something is missing, unless it's something big...lol
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    sean2sean Member

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    so cal
    man... if u ever get in touch with them... ask them where my intake pipe is... im still lookin for it... damn it... been over 4 months...
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    sean2sean Member

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    so cal
    stafford fab. 661-816-5444
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    Bishop4695 New Member

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    info on turbo

    Didn't know they made a turbo for the corolla 03 does it fit on the 04?

    i do know that they came out with one for the xrs model already

    gimme some info once you put it together or whenever
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    Turbo1zz New Member

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    Stafford didn't come through with shit!!!

    You must have the worst memory in the history of the world or you have something personal against me i'm not sure...

    Stafford didn't come through for me at all. I had one problem after another and because I let everyone on the boards know he just dumped me like a bitch. All you have to do is go on the NewCelica and 7th Gen boards to see how well stafford has come through for all those people.

    You have absolutely nothing to do with stafford so keep your mouth shut. Until you send him money (Which i'd love to see so you can witness first hand how shitty he is at his business) then keep your mouth shut.

    I will tell everyone about my dealings with stafford as long as he is in business...
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    midniterains Guest

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    ah man relax. i dont think he knows about all the celica people and remembers your story as well. it'd be better to behind the pack than to jump the gun in this case... :confused:
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    LoSx New Member

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    he sorta got screwed though and I can tell you id be pissed as shit as well if I was him... maybe even more so.... he was cool for a while and then finally had it with them!

    You cant blame someone especially after all the problems he had... anyhow turbo1zz youll be much happier going custom and probably will make more power then sf kit anyhow... if you need any help... (although I will be gone til near the end of august) PM me and ill shoot whatever info you need your way
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    kickarse Guest

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    This is the problem when you don't do good enough R and D and have worse support then Gateway computers.
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    xplicitcorolla99 Active Member

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    las vegas
    SF doesnt have a good customer service,they just giving themselves a bad reps.i think you should order your turbokit at TURBOKITS.COM
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    RacingSolution New Member

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    I'd spend the 6g's on a new car :)
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    rollarace New Member

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    Blue Bell, PA

    Put a DIY up for that man!!! that will be h0o0ot!!!
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    blancokracker Guest

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    hahah talk to hookeduproll96 about turbokits.com

    Were just doomed with aftermarket turbos. Get a shop to fab some stuff for you.
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    mncrolln Guest

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    Well here is the killer: I just spent about 3 hours at a local shop (www.elite-autosport.com) that does some AWESOME custom turbos and other mods for all types of cars. The end result was that it will cost between $5500 and $6700 for a completely custom turbo kit (this includes a new custom exhaust and header with pretty much top of the line everything and several hours of dyno tuning by the same guy that tunes Brent Rau's Eclipse www.osofastracing.com). Now here is my dilemma: Stafford+crappy customer service and a LONG wait time for a turbo=$3000-3500+$787 to install and tune at the same shop. That is a total of $3787-4287 which is $1713-2413 cheaper that the full custom job. Now the shop said that they would be able to do it for much cheaper if more than one person buys the kit from them but who knows if anyone actually will (if I can get them to do a complete kit including the full exhaust system for $3500-4000 let me know if you would be interested) so I might end up having to pay the $6700 (they promised that no matter what it will not be more). What should I do? Should I get the SF kit and just deal with the pain because $1500-$2500 is a LOT of money, or should I go with the local shop because I trust them, will get a better overall end product and there turn around time is 2 weeks as opposed to 8 @#&%*# months? Just looking for some feed back!
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    blancokracker Guest

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    6 grand is way too much. You should be able to get it customly done for the same price stafford offers, maybe less. You won't get the orders from anybody here probaly.
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    Turbo1zz New Member

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    6 grand is waaaaaay too much money to spend unless they are going to also run a new stand alone fuel system, high end ball bearing turbo, titanium exhaust and all stainless parts.

    My Custom turbo setup is not even costing me 2 grand... I'm designing everything my self and only having an outside welder finish up the manifold and downpipe but will in the end not have even spent 2 grand.
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    Turbo1zz New Member

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    It's taking a lot longer than I had hoped but in due time I'll have everything I need and be able to start fabricating. I have been learning as much as I possibly can and gather up as many hookups as I can so when I dive in I can dive in with both feet.

    Right now though my first priority is to Marika and helping her start her business. If you know anyone that's into Gothic Fashions then send them on over to her site. darkollclothing.com... It's a work in progress but will be up and running very very soon...
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    Turbo1zz New Member

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    That is exactly why Staffords kit sucked from the get go... He made up one and did no real tuning and thought it was going to run on all Corollas just fine??? If you said he was going to have a car or two in their shop and do loads of tuning and R&D and after 6 or so months would put out a kit then I'd say go for it.
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    superpilun Guest

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    hey how is your custom setup coming along? i'm willing to offer help if you have questions or anything.
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    mncrolln Guest

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    mncrolln Guest

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    Oh, by the way it would also only take a month for them to develope it and it would take 2 weeks to fill each order. For those who already have a turbo, they can do just the exhaust as well.
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    Turbo1zz New Member

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    this should help to get the ball rolling... :D


    Now to order the manifold and exhaust flanges... :cool:
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    CadetLee Guest

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    I could definitely handle $2k in the next year or two..keep me/us updated, if you wouldn't mind.. =)
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    mncrolln Guest

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    I know that they will not let the kit be mass produced until they have at least 100 hrs of R&D in it and sufficient reliability tests completed. The guy that would do the tuning on the car also does some of the tuning on Brent Rau's Eclipse so you know they are going to tweak the crap out of it. They would test the kit on both an auto and a manual and would provide dyno numbers to show the results (something SF has not offered). Then would also offer the E-manage preprogrammed if desired so that you could bolt up the kit, set the boost and have the same results as they were able to get on their dyno, with little or no additional tuning needed.
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    turbokits.com New Member

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    Hello blancokracker,

    Can you explain to me what happened with hookeduproll96? I don't know his name so I can't look up his order. Are you 100% sure he bought from us? Most people on this board think that we make the kit and then say negative things about us. We are just a retail store and the TSI kits happen to be one of the 1000s of parts we sell. We do not make it.

    We have been selling turbo kits for over 5 years and now and then customers have trouble installing them. They could have received the wrong piping, the kit might need some modifications. But we stand buy them sending parts and working with installers to help. If they are 100% sure they can't get the kit to fit after working with us, we always accept the return for a full refund.

    Jesse @ Turbo Kits.com

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    LoSx New Member

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    Hey turbokits im not going to bash your company but that kit is crap.. I know someone bought one for a 96 corolla I think and it never fit. they sent replacement parts and it still never fit... hebasically had to return it or im not sure what happened but a few people have had bad luck with the kits

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