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News Slavery: Should Blacks get over it?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Jan 18, 2007.

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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    i'm sorry, i'm not from this country.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    dont apologize. english is an amalgamation of many languages and its a tough one to learn (so i hear). you seem to have a hell of a grasp on it.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Don't misunderstand - I'm not for reparations. I'm for the equalization of wealth and resources that were acquired through the use of slave labor. This wealth accumulated through owning slaves allowed many people, more often than not whites, to become part of the upper and upper middle classes. Those people were able to start businesses, invest and send their kids to good schools, all things which helped to firmly entrench their places at the top of our society. After slavery was abolished, many blacks were able to achieve what the whites had achieved in terms of education and wealth through hard work, as many continue to do today, but the point is that the whites had a considerable head start. So, we now recognize that it is not ethical to enslave fellow Americans, but somehow it is ethical to hold on to the profits made from enslaving said fellow Americans?

    When you say that blacks should "get over it," it completely ignores the head start that whites have enjoyed since the time of slavery.

    In my opinion a redistribution of resources is the only way to make things right, but this would never happen, simply because of greed. Affirmative action is a band aid for the problem, but the real solution to equalizing opportunity for all people would be to create equal education for all people. For some reason, I don't see anyone in a rush to make that happen either.
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    unladylike00 New Member

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    lololol yess i like what you said about the beige thing. i think this will end up happening.. my mom always says that black people are getting lighter and white people are getting darker.. (black/white mixes obviously), BUT i dont think the issue should be taken so lightly .. i have to admit i used to be like "get over it".. BUT i had a professor tell us how its hard to just get over it , especially for some older folks (he was in his 60's i would say), because his great grand father was a slave, and he knew his great grandfather .. so obviously he was impacted by it because he did see it, you know? people who have ties to slavery have not completely disappeared, maybe 30-40 years from now it can't really be in any body's "mind" because then no one will be around that experienced first hand seeing a family member enslaved..

    but it is part of our history and i think it should never be forgotten, now i don't necessarily agree they should be compensated for it .. but if you look at it , Native Americans do.. they might have restrictions to where they live and stuff but they still get madd money, and i know that because I know someone who receives these benefits. so i could see where african-americans would want the same benefits.

    but anyway ! i think to say it to someone can be quite offensive, and since i don't know what it feels like to have a family member enslaved, i would never say it to someone because I can't relate, and I can't say "get over it .. shit i am !" because i never went through it.

    I agree with what everyone is saying about racism, cuz you all know its still here! where i live its OBVIOUS !! is such a horrible thing .. at the end of the day WE ARE ALL JUST PEOPLE .
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Key points I'd like to highlight:

    1. Asians came here on their own free will
    2. Asian families were not broken up when they came to America, allowing them to keep their strong family values (allowing them to push so hard for education).
    3. Asians were compensated for being rounded up in camps during :what:II

    Draw conclusions as you will.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    Unfrotunately I cannot see a way of "equalizing" anythnig at thispoint without hurting someone else's financial status forceably. (I am not sure but I would take that as uncontitutiional)

    Equality of opportunity sounds nice but its not really our stance I would guess. Just turning the gears here a litte...
    Wouldn't that be more communist? Like as in a Commune, where everyone gets everything equally?

    Democcracy/Capitalism seems nice and it is for those who put their head down, nose to the grindstone and work hard (and smart) without stopping to whine or cry about whatever injustice has hit them and WAIT for a response before moving forward again. The peoplet that do that will almost never succeed.

    So in essense, people are meant to be sort of "left behind" by the design of our system, however in most cases it is up to them and the choices they have made. Now we do have some programs available to help others get on their feet a little, but.... I dunno I guess that doesn't make too much sense. lol

    If my great great uh, great grandfather made money off of slave trade and someone came to me talling me that I owed money or whatever I'd be pissed. The money I have accrued in my lifetime has nothing to do with what dead relative did or did not do. If someone wants to go with the analogy of the butterfly flapping its wings and creating a tsunami elsewhere then fine, I may not have had as good of a status now because of the money someone made in my family line way back when...which is total bullshit by the way. :)

    Equalized opportunity in my head just means a way of telling someone elese, "hey you've made too much money. That's not right. Share it damnit. There are poor people starving on the street!" Ok, so how much is too much? I am supposed to give all that I own so thatn someone who gave up can get where I am now by simply waiting for a handout? Hell in that case I need to move out on the street and just wait.

    Yes, no one should be turned away for petty reasons, is color of skin etc, but I think the term equal opp was created by whiners.

    It made sense in my head. :)
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    e_andree E

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    Problem with this is that the majority of blacks that want to be "compensated" come from families that never had members that were slaves in the first place. Just because they are black, they feel that they should get a piece of the pie. So whos the greedy one here? It boggles my mind that being cut a check could "make it all right"......it just goes to show how deeply one feels about it if a little money can make you feel different about it. (And that IT is something that happened over 150 years ago, to a very SMALL percentage)

    You say that "redistribution of wealth" wont happen because of greed.....well, I say the entire idea of it to begin with is based on greed.

    Im still wondering how Coca Cola should be paying out...considering they werent established until the late 1800s.

    A lot of good points have been brought up in this thread.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    if reperations are to be handed out then the blacks that SOLD their fellow blacks, the sole suppliers of black slave trade, need to pay up. deal?
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    ToyRolla New Member

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    Good points. The connection you made to communism is interesting.

    I understand equal oppurtunity but I just think you should hire whos best for the job regaurdless of race. Same thing goes with gov't scholorships/grants. Those who need the money most regaurdless of race. Slavery was a long time ago, families have had generations to better their disposition. Families that came from plantation owners may have gone bankrupt, slave families may have prospered. Its a lot of time. My ancestors had nothing when they came over 113 years ago and we're doing just fine now. Also, there can't be any person around who was directly affected by slavery. Should blacks get over slavery? I think its up to them. I think the government should though. Its not like history will erase itself and slavery will be forgotten.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    1. Blacks came here centuries ago. Im sure they had the time to catch up on a family.
    2. Blacks came here centuries ago. Theyve had time to build on those values as well.
    3. 40 acres and a mule
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Maybe I'm missing something that was already answered but how is "redistribution of resources from slavery" different from reparations?

    Also, man this is probably going to sound racist but its really not in that intention. Slavery was horrible, yes, no one is refuting that point, but would the lives of the african americans been better had we not brought them to America? The life expectancy for some African countries is 39 years old where as in America its in the 70s. Also, the poverty rate in Africa is close to 60% where in America for african americans its in the low 20s. Yes slavery was horrible and cause a lot of turmoil for an entire race, but couldn't it be argued that w/o slavery opportunities in america wouldn't have been presented?
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    It's okay to be pissed about slavery; it’s not okay to say that getting paid reparations will help you heal. That would be blood money. So my answer is they should get over it in respects to being entitled to something to help correct the mistake. If they are just generally mad about it then that’s okay :D Hope this makes sense, I'm tired as hell right now :)
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    Jon91MR2 New Member

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    That's really true. Sure the original blacks had it really bad but alot of black people are living fine now, or at least have the opportunity too. If their ancestors weren't brought here, they would still be in Africa now living poor or in the middle of a war or chasing their dinner.
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    I think they should get over it. Jews aren't constantly demanding reparations from Germany, and that was only 60 years ago. I'm just sick of black people playing the race card with everything. I think some blacks walk around actively looking for racism (Sharpton, Jackson :rolleyes: ) and you know what? If you're looking for something constantly, most likely you'll find it. I know that there is racism in this country, but that doesn't mean you seek out payment for every single injustice.

    Oh and those like Sharpton and Jackson don't have the interests of the black community at heart. They speak out only to get press coverage. They're around only to exploit the ongoing "plight of the black man" so that they can continue to be in the spotlight and be important. Yes, slavery was a grave injustice, but blacks should be proud of the progress they've made

    And as far as I'm concerned, blacks should be insulted that they are offered special privledges and affirmative action. If they aren't inferior to any white man (and they're not) then affirmative action is basically telling them they can't succeed in America without help, which is crap.

    The real issue is black culture and the mindset of the black community, especially its young people. That, above all else is what holds them back. Hell, we had a good number of black kids in our highschool, yet no more than maybe 20 out of a 270 person class graduated.
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    e_andree E

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    No reply from Ninety Four?
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    would you reply if everyone was against you?! lol.
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    e_andree E

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    Then he must not feel too strong about his beliefs.......and he came at me as if I was wrong to even post up the question. (Before he even knew where I stood on it).


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