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silver 1.8t rolla totaled... sad day...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GundamHeavyArms, Nov 2, 2004.

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    kaosfm Guest

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    I feel your pain. When I was rear-ended in my rolla, the pain was unbearable. It did something to how my brain perceives pain and I ended up getting Fibromyalgia, a chronic incurrable pain syndrome. Because its "soft tissue injury" only, I only got a $9,000 settlement. Use the medical portion of the other driver's insurance to see specialists. Go see a Rheumetologist, they specialize in pain in the muscles and joints. Document everything. Get x-rays. They'll point out any obvious spine issues. Make them suffer. My dad was rear ended in 1986. They had no insurance and were forced into bankruptcy by State Farm and forced to leave the state. His injuries were life-changing, and he only got $25,000. Get a lawyer.
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    rainbow_star New Member

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    Thanks God you're ok, at least you're still alive.

    The strut bar is so d.mn strong.
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    sting Guest

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    glad you're alive... rides can be fixed or changed... but life = priceless
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    well so far my rebuild costs are coming up close to $20K-$25K (including cost of car) *sigh* what a son of a bitch. It's possible it could come close to $30K if the labor gets out of control... i don't plan on doing a whole lot of this myself, got enough of that the first time... *shrug* dunno tho - its a pain in the ass to have to even sit down and figure out what it will cost to rebuild... pretty pissed about that alone.

    After looking at the costs, its pretty evident that the other guys insurance company is going to put up a huge fight and be bitches about this, so Im going to be calling my lawyer this morning - not even gonna give them a chance to try to settle this w/o one.

    I think the thing that pisses me off the most is you hear about all these people who are in wrecks nothing like mine and get shitpiles of money. Then someone takes out a nice custom ride and tweaks me all up and I'm sure I'll be the one to get the shit end of the stick - hehe just how it works for me I guess...

    No matter tho, gonna get my lawyer in on this and I *WILL* get this settled. :)

    I'll keep everyone updated. Rebuild will be fun cause I can document it with pictures and stuff 100% from the ground up again - wierd... :)
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    e_andree E

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    So was your insurance company aware of all of your mods before the accident?
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    CadetLee Guest

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    Glad to hear you're alright -- good luck with the settlement..hopefully they'll give you replacement value with labor included..
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Yes, they often take photo's of my car for their records as well. They know EXACTLY how my car is modified.
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    PSyChO cHilD Guest

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    Sorry to hear about the incident...however, im happy you're still alive and kicking ass. See around the block real soon bro!
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    Supershyguy New Member

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    did you have to pay more for insurance? <br />
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    I have a feeling that they wont pay you for your mods.
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    as long as my declared value is under 20K no - however its not my insurance company - its his. and they WILL be paying for my nods, its not *MY* fault that some asschunk hit *MY* car and destroyed *MY* property. If the insurance wont cover certain things, I'll sue the guy personally.

    As far as I'm concerned - its not about car mods or cars. It's about the lack of responsibility on his part that led to the destruction of *MY* property. As I said, whatever the insurance company doesnt cover is going to come out of his pocket.
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    corollarcr99 Guest

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    that's fucked up. take those cock-asses to court lol. Glad you're okay.
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    Montana Guest

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    I totally agree. I've had 3 fortunately small accidents in this car and if I was ever to be in a bad one with another person at fault I would definately consult a lawyer. You never really know what kind of person the other driver is and people can sue at the drop of a hat now days (even if you weren't liable). Also they could be uninsured and that would REALLY suck.

    Another thing that sucks is being without the car. My seemingly minor rear-end damage has turned into a 2+ week ordeal now and I feel like the shop is giving me run-around. The rental they stuck me with is beat. I HATE dealing with body shops.


    On another note, I hear that State Farm insurance covers modifications up to $1000. I think I'm going to call my allstate agent tomorrow about mods, he's a pretty cool straight forward person.
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    sting Guest

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    as long as bad driver pays, you're all good... can't wait to see the ressurection of your silver ride bro...
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    LilHunnie118 New Member

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    that happened to me once...bitch in a civic ran a red at about 50-ish mph...there were cars infront of me that already crossed the intersection too!

    lucky me i guess...i ddin't even see it coming! next thing i knew...i was thrown against my seat belt and i heard a loud metal crunch sound...i look to my right...and the car had spun a 180..

    good note...i was in a '89 volvo (seriously a tank car)...so my transmission broke (..?)...and my front license plate got smeared off...but her car was wrecked....

    sad thing was...she was one of those college kids (i was in hs) who picked up other ppls kids from school...the lil kids were cryin'...i felt so bad...=[
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    heh ... just added up all the receipts for parts and materials. (NOT LABOR)

    quite shocking actually...

    *drum roll*


    Now if I subtract things that could be deemed in the normal maintenance department and not aftermarket (meaning i pull stuff like my manual swap and a couple of other "questionable" things) I'm up to $11,939.28

    heh - wow... and to think I can replace it all for less... hopefully that will be a bargaining chip. Infriggin sane what I've paid out to mod my car, lol.

    Should only need (assuming I can pull a few parts from this car and salvage them) around $7-8K to put it all back together. (*in parts only*)

    what a pain in the ass...
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Well, I got the whole turbo system off and checked it out.
    SOME good news on it at least. :)

    In Good Condition:

    Intake, Turbo, Wastegate, Manifold (maybe), Oil lines, Intercooler, bov, 80% IC piping undamaged, 10% slightly damaged but still usable, 80% of the silicon connectors


    Downpipe Cracked, 10% of the IC piping, 20% of the silicon connectors

    Next is the electronics to pull apart and see what all is fried or not fried.
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    RollaRyder1103 New Member

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    thats good news, good look on the rebuild of the monster, and keep me posted on when we can get them motors started
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    R4AGzE Guest

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    Sup Travis,,, Sory to hear bout your car bro!! but glad your ok ..
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    yeah... im survivin... the insurance company is being a little bit of a dick but within expectations... my lawyers are chomping on the bit to take this one - tryin to get the property damage handled w/o them if possible. *shrug*

    aside from dealin with bullshit, the car is almost stripped down - its a sad sad sight to see...

    i'm holding up well tho - my neck finally seems just sore... my back is still pretty tweaked out ... goin in for some PT tomorrow and got an appointment with tha evil spine scientist, lol... so far it seems as tho i'll make a full recov which is good ... id much rather be all healed than have some amount of money to supposedly make it okay... still sucks tho.
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    R4AGzE Guest

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    Right when I get my car up and running bro!! I get this bad news...I was about to email you too so we can meet up and go kill some hondas heheh... well hope you well soon bro take care....
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    well once i get the replacement car (hopefully in the next week or so) it will be a few days and i'll drop the turbo in... i've been driving a v6 land yacht as a rental the last few days and it feels like a slug compared to my car... lol

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