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reverse indlglows

Discussion in 'Interior' started by SkyAce2004, Jun 14, 2004.

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    AlaricD Guest

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    So am I to understand that they are a) for the idiot lights? or b) just dummy connectors?
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    they arnt for anything...they are just to make everything look uniform, nothing on them lights up. and the idoit lights still have their own source...it just shines thru the panel
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    AlaricD Guest

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    So they are just 'dummy connectors'... amazing...
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    Well, like I said earlier, the speedo tach etc on a normal reverse indiglo also light up in the center, kind of a ring. Not as much as regular indiglos, so I assume those three pieces would have some sort of similar effect, the whole piece might glow, or maybe a border or something. I'm surprised NO ONE on this board has them yet and could show us!
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    oh man, what a motherfucker. i just got the guages in, and its only the 2 main faces! what the hell am i supposed to do with that!? i just sent him an email telling him to send me the other 3 faces or im gunna send the item back with a negative feedback, and geting my money back.

    what a fucking ripoff. i even spent 10 dollars more figuring id get what i paid for!
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    AlaricD Guest

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    If indeed the item description did not state that some of the pictured panels would not be included, definitely follow up on that.

    I hate unscrupulous eBay sellers...
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    eBay sucks donkey cock by any means! I ordered some black and silver "racing" pedals, retardo seller sent me carbon instead, looks the same from where anyone will see it, but still kinda pisses me off. Is it THAT hard to send the right item? I dunno how many DVDs I bought off eBay thinking they were authentic, only to get bootlegs, one guy even had the audacity to send me a burned DVD, WTF?
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    AlaricD Guest

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    It's not eBay's fault, it's the seller's fault. eBay has mechanisms for buyer protection-- if you don't follow up on bad sales, especially when you receive counterfeit DVDs and the like, then you're doing yourself and other eBay users a disservice.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    ah, i feel a little better now. I was about to file a report with paypal to get my money back, but id figure id try it out with him first. after 3 days of no contact with him i sent him a nasty email and heres what it said with his responce:


    1st attempt:
    Mark Henshaw <mark@prideofpc.com> wrote:


    I ordered a set of reverse indiglow gauge faces from you for a 98 toyota corolla (non tach). you only sent me 2 of the 5 faces. This is an incomplete order. Not only did i spend 10 dollars more than i should have figuring id get the best quality (other guys wernt charging 15 dollars for shipin) but you cant even send the whole set.

    I cant install this in my car. This is a show car and now im going to have 2 white faces and 3 black faces. I need the other 3 sub panels that you showed in your picutre or i will leave a negative feedback and report you.

    Have a good day!

    Mark Henshaw


    2nd attempt:
    This is the 2nd attempt to get a response from you. I'll give you 24 hrs to respond to this or im leaving negative feedback and writing Ebay and Paypal about you and to get a refund.

    Good Day!


    His Response:
    I will be sending you the incomplete pieces.
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    I've had a lot of issues with eBay, one screwball sent me a phone card with all the minutes used up! eBay's policy is that as long as I got the item, there is nothing wrong with that, they cannot guarantee the quality of the item. Needless to say he no longer is able to turn a profit.

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