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Engine Project!!!

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Turbo-S 2002, Jun 6, 2005.

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    LoSx New Member

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    itd be nice if people who have turbos would post up because peopel who dont have turbo or dont know much about them dont provide very good insight!

    Other than that

    2000 Corolla Turboed for the past 36K miles now.... 2 years or something or more I dont even remember at this point... Running fine.... Only problems I have had thus far with it are....??? Actually no problems so far turbo wise so its still going fine *knock on wood*

    Car has 73K miles on it almost now....running 7.5 psi or so and it takes it just fine... here is a hint though do it correctly... that doesnt mean spending $50,000 It means gwetting it tuned etc and not fucking around before its tuned!

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