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*pictures*(56k warning)Installed HID's, one small problem

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by asn13oy, Sep 28, 2005.

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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    OC, CA
    Then everytime I drive it's a felony....watch out folks, I'm on the lam!
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan

    i removed the yellow part, painted the red in black and added clear coat to the blue part. but that yellow part causes glare from what i have experienced.BTW i did not throw my headlights in the oven. i just heated them up a bit with a solder torch and they came apart very easily.

    i had a friend who got a set of 9006 bulbs and wired them into his brake lights and those fu_ker are so bright he got pulled over for it, hehe. but they let him go. he has the same for his back up lights. for instance some people have thier high beams on all the time and some peopl have spot lights on the back of thier bumper and if you get them right in the face (i.e. rearview mirror, side mirrors) they turn on the spotlight and will leave it on until you turn off your high beams. and in this state they said it was not illegal so a lot of people have this function.
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    Live2drum New Member

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    my 01 with silverstars have the same glare. i never even noticed it till i read this so i dont think its a big deal

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