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New interior pics, 56K beware

Discussion in 'Interior' started by moonshadow, Jun 4, 2003.

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    stylin Guest

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    Thanx snuggles for the heads up about boring NC. Next time i'm planning a vacation, i'll make sure to stay away from NC. :D
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    snuggles Guest

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    You're welcome. North Carolina is a big retirement state, so basically all the activities here are for those rich snobby retired people. Also it's a big family state too. Family come down here to visit thier snobby retired grandparents, so alot of the activities in NC are family friendly. And they say NC is a good place to raise kids, whatever that means. NC is good retirement, but not a good place to vacation.
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    Striker Guest

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    Your Center Console looks great Stylin!
    Now that I can see how great it looks and what brand of paint to use I am going to do the same this weekend.

    Did you think about changing the colour of the stereo to red also? I think this is a lot harder.
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    stylin Guest

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    Thanx for the props.

    changing the color on the deck was my next project. gotten very busy with a new job so haven't had a chance yet. Stinky is trying it in his car right now, he say's there are about 30 LED's soldered inside (instead of bulbs that can be painted) so he's trying to figure out a way to change them.

    Oh and if you're gonna dip the bulb in the paint instead of brushing it on, try to pour the paint into a bottle cap (deep enough to be able to dip the whole bulb in) to make it easier to see how much of the bulb is coated with paint.
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    Striker Guest

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    I went to Zellers last night. They don't carry that paint anymore. So I picked up some glass paint at Canadian Tire.

    I do plan on dipping the bulbs so I will try the bottle cap thing.

    I suppose you can't just paint LED's? That sounds like a lot tougher of a job. Might just have to buy a after market deck that has a red display.

    I assume he will let us know how it turns out/what he did.
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    stylin Guest

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    With LED's instead of clear glass covering the elements on the bulb, it is either a colored plastic cover or a clear plastic cover but the element itself shines in a perticular color. Hope that made sense. :)
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    man now we gotta change our HU, i was hoping we didn't have to do that but oh well
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    Striker Guest

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    I did it on the weekend.
    Used your paint in the cap trick and it worked great.
    It was much easier that I thought it would be.
    The hardest part was waiting for the paint to dry!

    Thanks Stylin for the tips.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    well nomes suggested that put some filter paper over the LED's behind all the parts that light up and that helps. i haven't tried it yet but will soon and let u know how the results look
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    stylin Guest

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    Hey striker, it was no problem man i'm glad i could help.

    Thats what we're all here for right! :)

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