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Motegi opinions....

Discussion in 'Stop, Drop & Roll' started by rainbow_star, Dec 17, 2004.

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    91DX Guest

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    well the point of this thread was to get OPINIONS on motegi wheels.

    and heres another opinion.

    i wouldn't use motegi for any kind of motorsport autox or other wise. their tracklites aren't really that light compared to other forged wheels. my opinion is that motegi, tenzo, and konig are more tacky, ricer if your will, show wheels then anything. i kno this has been thrown around a lot, but you get what you pay for. i'd pay a little more for the quality
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    laz Member

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    True, I agree with what you say. From experience I have always done better with higher quality/little more expensive wheels thatn the cheaper ones, and this coming from someone that has gone through 5 sets of wheels, and the last set being the tougher of them all.


    I forgot to mention that it never hurts to have some good source of info, and learn why some wheels are more expensive thatn others.
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    Lekz Guest

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    wtf u got ray's rims? which ones?

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