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Masking scratches on bumper ?

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by walt77, May 26, 2003.

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    intel61 Guest

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    what do you guys use to remove the bugs off the front bumper? i washed the car but it gets harder every time. i'm saving up for the front mask to cover the bumper up, but until then i need something
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    stylin Guest

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    Do you wash the car yourself? If so try using Meguiars cars wash soap. Thats what I use and it works great removing bugs and tar. I also use a wash mit instead of a sponge, so i don't know if that will make any difference.

    I'm a big fan of Meguiars products, they've always worked great for me.
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    intel61 Guest

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    yea washing it myself. i will try the meguiars products, see how it works.

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