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News Is it just me or are all the drivers slowing down?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by plu, Apr 16, 2008.

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    its_ikon FIRST widebody

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    Henderson, NV
    i am still driving the same as i have been, but i have always driven the speed limit or 5 over unless i am trying to pass someone or trying to stay in front of a rock truck. if i am in the slow lane driving normal and someone is trying to zip through traffic and decides to tailgate me in the slow i will brake check them or let of the gas just enough for them to get over to get around me and then i speed up. this is only for those assholes that do that and cut people off while they do.
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    e_andree E

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    Its the law to move right if a car coming up on you flashes you.

    Portions of the autobahn have speed limits though.

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