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Discussion in 'Interior' started by Deathsight, Nov 26, 2004.

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    my dad has it...it's not bad, but i'm not a fan of the video feature.
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    the4starish Guest

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    I worked at best buy for over two years in PCHO (the computer department). Trust me, I saw my fair share of iPods come back with problems that were NOT user error. True, some people are dumb, and cant figure out why it wont turn on (dead battery). And I said proven to be problematic because there is proof:


    This is not meant to bash the iPod. I think the problem is that iPod fanatics see them as infallable, when in fact, they are just another electronic device. And I also know how to use my iPod. Like I said I currently own two. Ive owned about 6 different iPods total.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    it's known the first generation iPod had battery issues...THAT was fixed in later generations.

    the Nano was a bad idea from the start..i don't consider it a true iPod. it's right up there with the shuffle...but the shuffle is more reliable. i thought apple was screwing themselves sideways when i first read about the Nano, and GOSH i was proven right. i'm just glad i was spared from having to worry about tech support for those abominations.

    as far as any of the NON-FLASH DRIVE, post-first generation iPods are concerned(which is what the general populace thinks of when they think iPod), they're pretty hardy little machines.
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    the4starish Guest

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    The lawsuit for the battery issues covered 1st through 3rd generation iPods.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    that was Apple covering their ass. the first gens had the worst battery issue.
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    the4starish Guest

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    True, although my 10GB and 15GB 3rd Gen's Battery lives did start to dwindle fairly quickly. But not as bad as the first gens. There was that whole internet video about the iPod and its less than perfect battery life. It was put out by the Neistat Brothers. A lot of people feel that the only reason they responded was because of that video. Plus, after the video, they initiated the $100 battery replacement program, which is yet another example of how heavily Apple relies on its image, and not the product itself.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    deary, i know all about that video. the tech on the phone - you know, the one they made out to be an absolute villain - is a good friend of mine. i sat in with him during that entire call...they cut a LOT of it out just to make it seem so much worse than it actually was.

    he was pretty depressed after that, because he really did try to help the guy on the phone. we can't help it that guy decided to be a bastard about it.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i think they are a little over priced i can take a creative mp3 player which holds tons more songs for about the same price
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    the4starish Guest

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    I agree, spec for spec, iPods lose. But there is that certain cool factor which cannot be attained from any other company....yet. I think Sony is the only company that has the power to make a comeback in the mp3 player market. They havent shown anything yet, but I still think they have the best shot. They changed the portable audio world with the Walkman, and I think they are one of the only companies that can knock Apple off of their throne. But, thats all just my opinion.

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