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I just did something to my car (more pictures 10/27)

Discussion in 'Pictures & Photography' started by Corolla DX-R, Oct 25, 2004.

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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Statesboro, GA
    i like it.
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    GQ8 Guest

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    I love this Bodykit!!!

    I was debating on that kit for a while "since it has been in my basement for almost a year" plus at that time i did not have a job.

    U are seeing too much ,cause not much people are making design new kits for the 93-97 corolla's. Also, usually corolla's are not modded plus they are usually family driven car.

    Since all the debating and i started to have a job in 2004, i've saved up change my look of the 95 corolla to a lipkit custom fit to my car last year. Late summer of 2005 .





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