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Go Pistons!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baby Lex, Jun 14, 2004.

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    imported_Zero New Member

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    god...LA's performance tonight was embarrassing X_x

    and Detroit scored 100pts! wtf! hahaha
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    I will admit I was quite embarrassed for LA. To me, they're a better team than that. For Detroit to lead by what...27, 28 points, at one time...that was quite sad for the Lakers. Bottom line, GO PISTONS! hehe 8)
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    pkpss Guest

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    Yea pretty sad. Fish said it best, they lost cause of off rebounds and were beat to loose balls.

    Those off rebounds were pretty pathetic too. The Lakers just didn't have the thirst.

    All in all, the Pistons were easily the better team.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Oh most definitely. The Pistons were in it from the get-go. They score alot of points off foul shots as well, and that has been prevalent all series.
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    tom Guest

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    what a dissapointing game to watch. I can't believe they just gave up like that with like 8 minutes to go in the game. As the game came to a close, Lakers completely gave up and made very sloppy plays.

    All I could do was shake my head. The neighborhood I live in is dead quiet now and usually gets pretty loud when Lakers win. I'm looking forward to see what happens to the Lakers next. If Karl Malone retire, then I have no favorites anymore in the NBA. If he retire.

    After that, I will go for the underdogs. Go Bobcats!!! Just kidding.
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    polo708 New Member

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    hahaha I love seeing dynasty type teams lose! They were chaters anyways... come on... Payton and Malone WITH Kobe and Shaq, give me a break. I love it!!
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    Tenchi New Member

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    Man, Ben Wallace was a beast! I knew they were going to win. hahaha "I gaurantee a win, " yeah right Kobe. :twisted: East, the champions? During the regular season, I didn't think that would be possible.
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    tom Guest

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    I seriously thought that Ben Wallace should have been the MVP. If it wasn't for his agressiveness at the defensive end, Detroit would have had a much harder time keeping up with the Lakers. He proved he can score in Game 5.

    Damn, when was the last time a team won the championship in Game 5? Lakers looked pathetic. Come on, they try so hard all year long just to play this poorly in the FInals? All those last second shots doesn't even count anymore. Even the Utah Jazz back in the late 1990's pushed Jordan and the Bulls to a 6th Game in the Finals, back-to-back. GOd, Lakers need to think about what they are doing. I guess it was a mistake brining in Malone and Payton. They should've kept their core guys together.
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    pkpss Guest

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    Lakers vs. Sixers I think tom.

    Maybe not Malone, but more of a mistake bringing in Payton.
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    tom Guest

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    Lakers and Sixers, whew, I forgot all about that. Now that I had more time to think, there were quite a few series that ended in Game 5 of the Finals. But still, Lakers should have put on a better show or at least take it to a Game 6 or 7. Even if they lost in those later games, they would have more resepct.

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