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Crash Yesterday <pics>

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mike4831, Jan 6, 2005.

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    BIO Banned

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    good the u r ok after that nad about the tc mmm i ll stay w/ the rolla
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    Omes Rolla Guest

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    I wish someone would run into my front end, just run it the ***k over, cuz the first owner seriously dented it up mad.
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    quad3dwork Guest

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    I crashed my car too...


    I crashed my car on 2004 Christmas day. The insurance wrote off as total lost on my car. Parts for repair was $11,000 w/o labor (this was estimated by a Toyota dealership) (some engine damage, front suspension gone and had to get replaced, frame damage).

    Your car looks worse than mine... it really depends. I think your insurance is going to write off as a total. My insurance is USAA and I'm still waiting for them to re-evaluate my car because they thought was a regular SE-R. I hope they'll cover the negative equity.

    Me and my cousin was in it, we both got out of the car no scratch, no damage. Both airbag went off and I was hit by airbag slightly on my left face. It wasn't fun at all.

    I really miss my Spec V, if I have another chance to buy another one I would because it was such a 'fun' car to drive.

    If USAA is nice to me I'm going to lease a SRT-4. Well, I hope everything goes well for you.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Corolla4Life and quad3d@work....

    Hope u two r alright n hope things work out for the both of you. I liked both of your cars, the newer Corolla and one of my favorite affordable cars, the SE-R....its almost painful to see all that twisted and mangled metal....good luck to u two....

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