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Engine Anything to make the car faster?

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Silver_Nitrate, Jun 24, 2004.

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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    Is there a big difference with sri and cai? with hp I mean.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    the short ram takes air from the engine bay, whereas the long ram air(cold air) takes air from outside the car. the cai is riskier because of its location, and the risk factor depends entirely on your tendancy to drive through deep puddles. without a bypass valve, the cai is like a giant straw for your motor, sucking up water from deeeeep puddles. as far as a difference between the two...eh. slight...but it's not all that easy to feel unless you're REALLY in tune with the car.
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    okey dokes. if you go with a CAI, how and where can you put that bypass valve? What does it do? I'm assuming bypassing the water that gets in the intake?
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    blancokracker Guest

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    I still think cai is a hoax, since its such a long travel. Why do you think high performance cars have sri, even caterhams which are track cars have sri's.

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