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Any advice would be great

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 01rollas, Jun 23, 2005.

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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    I don't need a physician since i came out clear at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) so everything is go, they just have me on a really strict diet. HIT is something tha i cannot do since its only a short amount of time. this morning i woke up at 0500 and at 0600 took off running for 45 mintues wearing a sauna suit which helped out alot so i think i will do this for a while. the reason i wear this is because my body will not sweat as hard as i work out. Don't ask me why because i do not know, its just the way it is. If I did not come out clear or came out with anything bad they would have told me right then and there. they also have my entire history of everything so my medical record came out clean. I have never been hurt severly to a point that it is life threatning (at least not right now,I'll have to wait ti basic traning,hehe).So i will see what happens with in the next week.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    oh sh*t, MEPS, i remember goin to that when i wanted to go to the air force....needless to say, i dropped out of the air force before the date i was suppose to go to training cuz my recruiter starts tellin me all this weird n different stuff bout the air force once i went through MEPS...
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    fastrolla96 speedbumps..yum

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    I agree with Turismo about the running and aerobic exercises. I'm working 7 hours 5 times a week pushing carts at walmart non stop. Pretty much all I do is walk and push as many carts as I can possible. I've noticed my abs are losing its fat and I'm starting to tone done. Only draw back about working outside in the heat is that I'm getting really dark for an asian. So far I've lost like 10 pounds almost since working there almost for three weeks now. For the eating part, like they said before, find out your how much calories you eat everyday and lose from activity. Increasing your metabolic rate should help with losing weight.
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    Yeah well you got off easier than others in the sense that if you enter the Marine Corp and try and get out they can really screw you over and screw you up sooooooooooo bad that its not funny. it some serious sh*t. Other branches such as the Air Force and Army,etc. Don't really do anything to you the MC can and will make your life a living hell. And yes pretty much all that stuff you hear about the military are pretty much true and to be honest it even scares me a bit at times. All i have to say is that it will all be worth it once i get my a** though basic traning.The MC has the hardest boot camp known to the military (or so i've heard).

    hmmm. Now i'm thinking......... i work inside and get to go outside when i leave at night, go to traning and or go and run in the mornings. Now i can add more to my routine.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    oh yea, but it also helped that the guy who was over my recruiter, also told me that i could leave if i wanted to cuz one of the reasons was serious not on my behalf but my recruiter's...i dont even remember nemore it was too long ago....i was pretty excited to go to basic but after all the controversy, i just decided to leave...i think it was probably a good choice to leave cuz my cousin is in the marines and his life got messed up really bad once he got back from serving in Iraq, and training in Okinawa...it was real hard for him to catch back up in his life....
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    I am the only child so if they want to send me It has to be voluntary in my case. they can't (actually they can since I am government property) send me unless i was one of the last ones, but it can or can't be a while before i go. for instance they can send me as soon as i get out of boot camp if they wanted. But i would go if i have to regardless of the current circumstances ( and yes our president)
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    well good news i went down to 201lbs which means I lost 6 pounds in 1 week. and my run time has gotten to 13:23 for the 1.5 miles which is drastically down from the 16:56 from when i first enlisted on June the 6th.

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