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Jokes A Lot of Bull

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Salty_Dog, Jun 24, 2010.

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    Salty_Dog Old Fart

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    Fredericksburg, Virginia
    A Lot of Bull

    Three bulls were standing around out in the pasture. The first bull says “I heard old Farmer Brown is going to be getting another bull. Looks like there’s going to be four of us. But I’ll tell you one thing. I’ve got 15 cows and the new guy isn’t getting any of them.”

    The second bulls says, “Well, I’ve got ten cows and he’s not getting any of mine.”

    The third bull says, “I’ve only got five cows and he sure isn’t getting any of mine either.”

    That afternoon, a truck backs up to the gate, the ramp rolls down, and slowly out walks the biggest blackest meanest ugliest orneriest baddest-assedest looking bull they had ever seen in their lives. It was huge; shiny black coat, gigantic horns, ring in his nose, big ol’ crank hanging under him, etc.

    The new bull slowly walks down the ramp checking things out then spots the other three bulls and gives them the evil eye.

    The first bull blinks his eyes, swallows hard and says, “<GULP> Uh, you know? Fifteen cows is a lot. I, uh, suppose, I, uh, could, uh, let him have a few”.

    The second bull says “Yeah, I know what you mean. Ten cows is a little more than I can really handle. I, uh, suppose I could let him have some of mine too.”

    The third bull starts to grunt and snort and stomp and carry on, pound his foot on the ground and butt his head up against a nearby tree.

    The other two say, “Hey, now wait a minute! Don’t be stupid. It’s no use trying to fight with this guy and getting your a$$ kicked over five cows!”

    The third bull says, “I really don’t care about the five cows. I just want to make sure he knows I’M A BULL!”
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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    Northern Virginia
    Ha Ha! Not too bad.

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