yea it works!!! o got 700mph... lol... :rule:
294 mph.... wtf 847mph? how?
does that actually work? the concept is pretty cool though...
if you can give me a CLEAR pic of the front i would... its kinda blurry so it wont come out realistic and clean...
my cousin has a yamaha Vmax... and he has a sport muffler on it... and it sounds soooo loud and its soo powerful...
nice... really awesome... i love that trd lip kit...
you do have a good point there... it might be planned but someway somehow thats still illegal street racing...
i like your indiglow guages... where did you get them?
nice man... looking good... people will prolly mistaken your car to a corolla S... gooj job... keep it up... :You_Rock_
i'll try it when its not cold outside no more... damn chicago weather... oh btw, all of the tires were stuck... i have no clue how this happened... i...
i saw that somewhere... i dont remember though...
Civic "a car that teenager's rich parents buy them as a cheap relaiable transportation, but then they fuck it all up by putting huge fart cans and...
i updated my "mod" page... take a look... thats so far what i have done to it..
come on you guys, i'm not that retarded...
the hover board is a pretty cool concept... people can actually use that for everyday use...
damn... crazy... listen to the music in the start of the video... sounds like arabian music... and i've seen alot of arabian videos from and...
damn steelies wont come off i wanted to rotate my tires myself, but the damn steelies wont come off... and yeah, i'm pretty sure that i took the lug...
get the led ones and just dont wire it in... paint it black so it will look stock...
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