me, CB, and Rolla02 are playin:D
Philly Auto Show so who all is gone to the Philly Auto Show this year, February 4th-12th...if anyone is, hit me up, im prolly going one day
heh, im ready when u are again, hit me up on aim whenever
not to mention its prolly illegal
i'll play ya E
lmao, i use to ahve a gas scooter, it was awesome, i put a computer fan between the filter and the carb and had an electronic supercharger/turbo, it...
damn, thats some crazy shit, theres a 5.0 police car in the town next to me
<sing>:biggrinpa happy birthdat to you, happy birthday to you, happy biiiirthday dear, happy birthday to youuuuuu..........and many...
i came on here around 7:00(east coast) this morn and saw a bunch of stupid posts, i started deleting some but i had to go to school
i dunno if its still around but i use to use WinMX
i havne't seen in on here, unless i jsut didn't see the thread before, but eitherway, i do that almost everyday at school, with trucks and cars, lol
hahah, thats awesome, someone should make that a screensaver
hah, wow, sad that i live in Jersey, luckily i dunno those kids, lol
damn, that sucks, theres some stupid things that people will do
hahaha, that is wrong
welcome back man:D still got them rims:D hah, j/k
hes back, he posted on
yooo man, welcome, make sure u tell that to, there was a thread wondering where u were at
Separate names with a comma.