ok? u wanna give me one? or keep braging that u have one? i didnt ask if u had a tach
oh please..its a damn gauge cluster..it prolly toyota about 20 dollars difference
i guess that makes since...but i want a damn tach with my car! i got a manual and toyota supid dick shits dont put a tach in it
how do u re-aim 98 headlights?
i can see the beam at night, but when it rains, i dont really see anything
just go ahead and move it..noone seems to know what im talking about
damn, why do they have to be so anal about it? whats the big deal?
what he said...i dont wanna sign up either
thats not what im asking...i know that the faces will be white, but why do i need to plug in the 3 subpanels??? what on them glows???
i auctually dont notice a difference when driving in the rain with the silverstars...in fact, im constantly thinking my lights arnt on cz i cant see...
bump...i need some kinda answer
ill send u 5 dollars when my check hits in a couple hrs
yah...i just dont get why i would have to hook them up if they are reverse... why wasnt it the case with urs? u have full glow or a VE trim?
reverse indlglows (i know this is off topic, but i need a fast responce) http://images.channeladvisor.com/Se...9802_NoTach.jpg ^^^clicky^^^...
craig, u couldnt of been more right... heh, ive ran 5 wires through that damn rubber shit in the door, and no it wasnt fun. in fact, if i rember...
yeah, get the white. the bluish ones are annoying. i got rid of my APC Hyperwhite and got some silverstars...brighter light, not as blue and they...
heres my silverstars with clear corners, and clear bulbs...but they look yellowish... [img] and a pic i took with my headlights on...andi...
look at the link (its a pic) u see how the 2 main gauges light up? its a reverse indiglow set. but if its REVERSE, then whats the point for me...
as for ur shift boot, mine looked the same way, just go onto ebay and get a leather boot. i have a TRD knob to go with it, but it came with...
ah, i didnt take my car apart to install the neons, and i just ran a wire right from the battery to a lil fuse box mounted on the firewall and then...
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