man, i'd love to put an emblem like that for the front bumper.....
lol i knew someone was gonna say that... anyway, i wanted to get a trunk brace as well.. [IMG] lower arm bar [IMG] [IMG]
lower arm bar anyone here have aftermarket lower arm bars for the 8th? i'm trying to look for one for a stiffer steer..
just out of curiosity, for the auto-x'ers here: if drunksaru would have turned the wheel towards the direction of the rear's sliding, and applied...
front looks like
i use 205/40/17 they only rub when i steer on extreme ends.
i think those are the same exact specs for OEM tires....or was it 165?
wow they screech at that speed?? loll
non-MWR's 1zz/2zz Valves / Valve Springs I saw this over at the forums. some of it applied to us so i thought i would post it here as...
my uncle reported a hit-and-run for his mitsu suv. i actually scratched the driver side while parking and there was a huge cement pillar support......
is it one of these? RB-0700 2.5 in (64 mm) 3.5 in (89 mm) 4 in (102 mm) Rubber 1 in (25 mm) 5 degrees 0 in (0 mm) RD-0700 2.5 in (64 mm) 3.5 in (89...
it might be available online
el proto CAI filter anyone here know the exact kn filter for that CAI?
GT Cars crashing you guys seen this? crazyyyyyy
i love the foot chase near the beginning.... all i can say is that i was getting sick of the vehicle chase scenes from the other bond movies and this...
what are the rates for auto x?
well i just call it a skid turn because the tires are i guess being pushed to their grip limit... no sliding lol i'd be scared of that.. i guess...
skid turning anyone here do it a lot? i'm no auto-x'er or anything and i've always been scared of fast wide turns until recently.. the sound of...
pardon me for reviving an old thread. i have been running underinflated for a while...bleh. for the 2001 corolla s with stock tires, it listed...
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