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DIY DIY - Tercel 91 - 94 Alternator Replacement

Discussion in 'Other DIY & Questions' started by RinconRolla98, Oct 8, 2012.

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    RinconRolla98 Well-Known Member

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    Rincon , Puerto Rico
    This is a DIY for a 1993 Toyota Tercel .


    First anytime you work on anything electrical on any vehicle you disconnect the battery on newer cars they sell a plug that goes into your lighter to keep your ECM from resetting itself on older vehicles you don't have to worry about that .





    The first thing I did was remove the plug and the wire from the alternator , then I loosen up the bracket bolt where it holds the oil dip then I went I took off the bolt that screws into the alternator .




    Then you go underneath the vehicle and remove the bottom bolt going through the alternator . Once you have that remove the lightly tap the alternator free with out dropping it on your face .







    Now this Tercel carries 3 types of alternators , 60amp Without Cold Climate package , 70amp Without Cold Climate package and another one With Cold Climate package . On this particular Tercel it has the heat shield that you have to remove from the old one before you turn it in for a core charge and place it on your new one . Keep all the screws .

    I use dielectric for the plug and the anti seize for the bolts to keep them from going bad .


    Then you reverse everything and then you adjust your alternator belt to where it isn't to tight or to loose . Enough to where you can twist it from side to side .

    Warning when putting a new alternator make sure you battery is fully charged or new or else you will burn out the new alternator and you will void your warranty on your alternator .

    More info on www.CorollaCarClub.proboards.com or http://rinconrolla98.blogspot.com

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    MacktasticSlick TRD whore with 36,000 posts, bitch

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    "Without dropping it on your face" hahahaha
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    roachrolla Hipster

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    02 Toyota Corolla
    maybe thats what happened to him hehe
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    Goldy Well-Known Member

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    best DIY advice EVARRRRR

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