1. Welcome to TRD Forums! A community for Toyota, Lexus, and Scion Enthusiasts. To enjoy all the benefits of the site, we invite you to signup.


Image Title Text
Ack Ack :ack:
All Damn Day All Damn Day :James:
Angel Angel :angel:
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? :kidding:
Ashamed Ashamed :ashamed:
AWW YEAH! AWW YEAH! :awyeah:
Be Right Back! Be Right Back! :brb:
Big Grin Big Grin :D
Blackeye Blackeye :blackeye:
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah :blah:
Bored Bored :bored:
Bow Down Bow Down :bow:
Bow Down Bow Down :bowdown:
cBalls cBalls :cBalls: :cballs:
Cbass face Cbass face :( ): :-( )-: :cbassface: :cbasssadface: :cBass: :cbass:
Cellphoned! Cellphoned! :cellphoned: :CF:
Chocolate Ice Cream Chocolate Ice Cream :poop: :chocolateicecream:
Confused Confused :confused: :cbassconfusedface:
Cool Cool :cool: 8-)
Cool Story Bro Cool Story Bro :CSB:
Dead Dead :dead:
Desk Flip Desk Flip :deskflip: :flipped:
Er... what? Er... what? o_O O_o o.O O.o
Evil Evil :evil:
Facepalm Facepalm :Facepalm:
Facepalm Facepalm :facepalm: :picard:
Forever Alone Forever Alone :foreveralone: :fa:
Forever Alone Forever Alone :fa2:
Fuck you gold! Fuck you gold! FUG :FUG: :fug: :gold:
Gay Gay :gay:
Goku Goku :goku:
Goku Dick Goku Dick :Goku:
Goku Saiyan Goku Saiyan :GOKU:
haha! haha! :lol:
Happy Happy :happy:
Headbanging Headbanging :headbang:
Heh Heh Heh Heh :heh:
Hilarious Hilarious :hilarious:
Huge Roast Huge Roast :roast2:
Huh? Huh? :huh:
Hungover Hungover :hungover:
I Do Say! I Do Say! :idosay: :ids:
I see what you did there I see what you did there :isee:
I’m not sure about this…. I’m not sure about this…. :unsure:
If you know what I mean.... If you know what I mean.... :naughty:
In Love In Love :love:
Joyful Joyful :joyful:
Killing Machine Killing Machine :km:
Laughing Laughing :laugh:
Like a Boss Like a Boss :fyeah: :boss:
Like A Sir Like A Sir :sir:
LOLtank LOLtank :tank:
Mad Mad :mad: >:( :@
Meh Meh :meh: :\
Milky Milky :milky: :bitchplease: MILKY
Mindblown Mindblown :dafuq: :mindblown:
Nail Biting Nail Biting :nailbite:
New Page Fail! New Page Fail! NPF :npf:
Ninja Ninja :ninja:
O RLY? O RLY? :orly:
Ok Ok :ok:
Okay Okay :okay:
OMG! OMG! :eek: :o
OMGhaha OMGhaha :omg:
Oops! Oops! :oops:
Pffff face Pffff face :pff: :PFF:
Pfftch Pfftch :pfftch:
Pirate Pirate ,)
Please Please :please:
ROAST! ROAST! :roast:
ROFL! ROFL! :rofl:
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes :rolleyes: :eyeroll: :leeyeroll:
Sad eyes Sad eyes :irvin: :eyes:
Scared Troll Scared Troll :scared:
Screw This! Screw This! :fts:
Shifty Shifty :shifty:
Shrug Shrug :noidea: :shrug:
Shut Up Shut Up :shutup:
Shy Shy :shy:
Sick Sick :sick:
Sit in the corner Sit in the corner :corner: :dumbass: :dunce:
Sleeping Sleeping :sleep:
Smile Smile :) (: :-) (-:
Smoking Smoking :smoking:
Sour Sour :sour:
Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue :p :P :-p :-P
Stop Stop :stop:
Suspicious Suspicious :suspicious:
Thumbs Down Thumbs Down :thumbsdown:
Thumbs Up Thumbs Up :thumbsup:
Troll Troll :troll:
Wacky Wacky :wacky:
Wait what? Wait what? :what: :waitwhat: WW
Waiting… Waiting… :wait:
Wat Wat :wat:
Wave Wave :wave:
We got a badass over here We got a badass over here :badass: :ba:
Weeping Weeping :weep:
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes :wideyed:
Wink Wink ;)
Woohoo Woohoo :whoo: :woohoo:
Woot! Woot! :woot:
Wut Wut :wut:
X3 X3 X3
You Don't Say? You Don't Say? :youdontsay: :yds:
You Must Be New Here You Must Be New Here :wonka:
Yuck Yuck :yuck: