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women drivers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joneser5000, Jan 20, 2003.

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    Joneser5000 Guest

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    women drivers

    Driving to work this morning on the Interstate, I looked over to my left
    and there was a woman in a brand new Mustang doing 75 miles per hour
    with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner! I
    looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was halfway
    over in my lane, still working on that makeup!!!

    It scared me (I'm a man) so bad, I dropped my electric shaver, which
    knocked the donut out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying
    to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel,
    it knocked my cell phone away from my ear which fell into the coffee
    between my legs, splashed and burned Mr. Man and the Twins, ruined the
    damn phone and DISCONNECTED AN IMPORTANT CALL!!!!!!!
    Damn woman drivers!
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    lol not to mention u have a manual transmission :D

    haha welcome to vvt-i.net joneser 8)
    hey everyone...this guy was one of the first people to start fixing up an 03 rolla, he's old school :D
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    art... there is no such thing as old school with a "2003" corolla :roll:
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    stewart Guest

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    methaneb Guest

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    T'rolla Guest

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    If I got my car in April, and put new rims on it in June does that make me old school? :wink:
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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    Wazzup Joneser5000...

    Welcome to tha board........Joneser is old skool cuz he wuz one of tha first to actually mod his 03 Rolla first :D
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    sure haha ur old school too, i just barely started fixing up my rolla last month haha 8)
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    Joneser5000 Guest

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    lets see I think I got my car early march (I don't remember exactly). I know the registration is due already. I had rims on it a week later. I also got an Eibach kit given to me by Eibach just befor they were available to the public, cause I bug the shit out of them since the day I got the car. I was one of the first Rollas on the road to have any suspention mods. But considering this was all less than a year ago, I'll have to agree with w1ngzero

    Any way I only drive it now when I take my baby anywere. It is now one sweet grocery getter. Since my wife drives it.
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    snuggles Guest

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    Ok the lil story about women drivers is not cool. I mean men drives just as worse. 85% of the people that cut me off the road are men! They drive like crazy. They like drive fast and then like cut you off the road. At least women use SIGNALS!! Men just zoom, passes you, zoom and then don't even brake, then they turn. Women can drive. When i was in court paying off my ticket, like 90% of the people in there were men. they were either speeding, hit and run or car crash. Well i am just saying that men and women drivers are just as equal in driving habits.
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    PSilva10 Guest

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    hmm.. In every womens defense.. Us guys have to pay more for Insurance for a reason you know...
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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    i know insurance is always a killer for us guys....damn :evil: :lol:
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    snuggles Guest

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    That's b/c guys can't drive for crap!! They drive like they are the only person on the road. I hate riding with my guy friends. They scare me. I get scared sitting in the passenger seat, i dunno why. I don't scared in the driver's seat or in the backseats. Just the passenger seat.
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    tom Guest

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    Women are just as bad as "some" men when it comes to driving. I've seen women do the craziest things. They are impatient, drive too fast and too close. They don't care about their car, which is why they floor it when they can. Guys tend to be more gentle with their cars because its like their baby, and they can feel their cars and treat it more respectfully. Women on the other hand could care less. They stomp on it and swerve agressively, especially so-called "soccer mom's" in their SUV's.

    Damn them. Crazy bit***. You just want to flip them off sometime. Must be their mid-life crisis or something, perhaps PMS kicking in.
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    cool_beans00 New Member

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    That's because guys are stupid drivers. Guys do stupid things in their cars and get into accidents and what not. Girls are still worse drivers. They do stuff like back their car into a mail box or hit a fence cuz they can't judge how far away they are from it. Thing is little bumps and dings that woman do don't get reported to insuarnace companies...

    just my 2 centavos
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    Schoat333 New Member

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    hey wait a minute i bought my car in march of 02 and had the injen cold air intake from a matrix 2 weeks later. lol i guess im old school
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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    haha dude old school can not apply to cars this new lol. I agree with w1ngzer0.
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    jessetc Guest

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    well....i dont want to make any statements about who is the better driver, men or women..so i wont. However my sis who is two years older than me, backed into the house twice, once with her back bumper and the second time with her side view mirroron the driver side. She also bent her back rim (which was stock) after trying to get on a freeway and ended up hitting a curb. She drove the wrong way against the flow of traffice (thank god it was a sunday morning so no one was there). She drove for about 3000 miles with her oil cap unscrewed leaving oil every where under the hood and somehow didnt melt the engine block from over heating. Her car is messy as hell, and yes, she got a speeding ticket. Me, well i learned to back out of our narrow drive way on my own and i was driving my dad's 91 grand marquis which resembles a boat/tank (my sis drove a 00 corolla. And i lightly rear ended someone (I may have been racing a focus sedan) and i havent goten any tickets yet *bangs on his wooden desk with a vengence* so id say im alittle better than my sis oh and i drive an 03 CE.

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