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Music/Movie Who are your biggest musical influences?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by statik, Nov 1, 2005.

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    statik New Member

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    Who are your biggest musical influences?

    I'd like to know who your biggest musical influences are and why. You don't have to play an instrument, even just someone who inspires you in some way.

    I would have to say Stevie Ray Vaughan is on the top of my list. Listen to the guy play guitar. Damn, he puts so much feeling into it and he's fast as hell. You don't ever hear him lost on the guitar, he always knows where he's at on the neck. Great vocalist too. He's really phenominal.

    Jimi Hendrix is a big influence. Just free feeling flowing from his fingertips. No boundaries. There was really nothing holding him back. If I want to break free musically I can go to Jimi and get what I need. Im always going to him when get bored with my sound, and usually can get a new prespective on music from listening to him.

    James Taylor is real. He's not the best guitarist or singer, by far. BUT damn there's just something about his music that affects me. I think he puts his heart in the music, and is very good at using what he's got to the best of his ability. I think his music and his voice are very soothing. Just real honest sounding to me. I listen to James alot.

    The Allman Brothers. They are TIGHT! I really like the older stuff with Duane Allman, not to deminish Warren Haynes. The new and old are good for different reasons to me. Just all around good music. I like Gregg alot as a singer. The harmonies that they play together are astounding. It's not impossible to do. It's like a really good magic trick being performed right in front of you and you're like "WOW, how'd they do that?". Warren kicks ass on the slide!

    Joe Satriani is a more technical influence on me. He's a good guitarist, but alot of his music is devoid of soul. I tend to study his music more than enjoy it emotionally. He does have some good stuff. Surfing with the Alien was on of his best albums, not totally devoid of soul and energy.

    There's alot more people I could talk about, but these artists are some of the more important influences to me.
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    e_andree E

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    Im big into guitar lately, so Eric Clapton is one of my musical influences. Dave Matthews, Tim Reynolds....Ive always liked Billy Joels work on the piano....
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    statik New Member

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    I've listened to Clapton alot, for some reason I don't find myself wanting to listen to him. I should probably listen to more of his acoustic stuff. Those Eric Clapton signature guitars by C.F. Martin are SWEET!

    Dave is good, I don't listen much, maybe I should. I see you are a big fan of him.
    I really stopped listening to him after Satellite. That was a while ago.

    YES, Billy Joel has some excellent piano work. I haven't listened to him in a loooong time. I remember that one song Stelleto or something, about a girl... I liked that one. Gonna have to dig up some Billy Joel now! :)
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    hellapinoy 2000 Celica GTS

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    Chicago IL.
    mine, john mayer, those mentioned above like jimmy hendrix, eric clapton and dave matthews and some filipino artists...
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    DMX, Jay Z, Ma$e, Eminem, Two Live Crew, NWA, Marlyn Manson, Wesley Willis......

    Just kidding :) I do like a lot of rap but I'm one of the few people that really likes everything, I like Rap, Rock, Mystic, only some Country, Heavy Metal, etc. If you don't know who Wesley Willis is go find some of his songs, you will laugh so hard.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Fort Myers, FL
    Instrumentally and lyrically a lot of the influence I recieved when I was in bands was from the likes of Tool, Led Zeppellin, and even some of underground indie/emo bands *this was 3 or 4 years ago before the scene really exploded so I'm not saying bands like the Killers and such...bands like Benton Falls and the Appleseed Cast*

    Now when I need motivation for writing, whether it be papers for class or just flat out lyrics, I usually pop in Salival by Tool or E-motion and A-motive by A Perfect Circle.
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    e_andree E

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    Check out the Eric Clapton Unplugged album.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    "I whooped Batman's Ass!!!"

    Dave Mattthews, (Of course) :D, Norman Brown, The Rippingtons, a lot of Jazz believ it or not: University of North Florida(Great Jazz Program), Natalie Cole, Harry COnnick Jr. :)
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    D Matrix Member

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    Cleveland Ohio
    As a drummer, probably Robo from the Misfits and Doug Clifford from Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR). Both are from my two favorite bands.

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