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what is wrong with people?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by nocpan, Oct 2, 2006.

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    nocpan New Member

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    I say too much rap music :p

    well when a guy shoots 1 or 2 people it just looks like some homocidal rage/instinct, but this is really a psychotic behaveour, most likely fueled by some tragic (usually its not very tragic but hit him deep) event in his past, supressed multiplied and TA DA you got 11 dead bodies on your hands... It is sad... quite sad.

    Its sader cause really good innocent people died, why can't a psychotic gunman ever barge into a drug factory in the slums and in a violent rage take out 15 people? or goto a home of a convicted multiple child molestor now out on parole cause the system is weak, and kill him?

    Atleast he shot himself too, so we don't have to spend money on his trial, jail time awaiting execution (or jail time if the state does not support death penalty), and his execution.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well he took the wussy way out
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    what is wrong with people?

    <a href="http://www.wgal.com/news/9981693/detail.html" target="_blank">http://www.wgal.com/news/9981693/detail.html</a>
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    nocpan New Member

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    he took the wussy way all the way... I'd like to see a psycho walk into a US Army camp and try to pull that stunt off... its really brave and showy to slaughter 11 defencless people
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    kids its really a shame makes you think what is really wrong with people

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