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News Venting (pardon Me)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renandabomb, Oct 8, 2005.

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    renandabomb New Member

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    San Jose, California
    Venting (pardon Me)

    so its aobut 130 in the morning and im driving home. the party i was at got blown up so we call it a night. the police come in and tell everyone to get the F out. so im at a light, next to some camaro, the camaro starts revving.. im like "wtf..." but didnt think anything of it. but as the light turns green, WHAT DO YOU KNOW??? THE CAMARO TURNS OFF AND I GET JACKED BY THE POLICE. do these fking police have anything better to do then fk with me ? seriously, i am targeted all the fking time. these mother fkers think im reving my engine... i drive a fking corolla.. what the fk am i gonna do with a corolla ? so they pull me over, 'did you have anything to drink tonight' (no, im DD tonight) they say raise your windows up.. im like you mother fkers are gonna get me for tinted windows even tho you havnt even seen them EVER? so they fking write me up for having these tinted windows because they think im revving my engine when the car NEXT to me was revving its engine. the car next to me was a camaro, so if you know about cars, you know that the camaro has a fking V8, or at least a V6, I have a fking 4 CYLINDER. COROLLAS ONLY COME WITH 4. 4 CYLINDERS!!!! so whether or not they thought it was me, HOW DOES THAT EVEN COMPARE TO A CAMARO REVVING ITS ENGINE ?? whats even worse is that they said my car is modified. the only fking thing modified is the car audio and my fking windows! fk all police. ive had it up to HERE (pointing really high) with the fking police. they fking get me all the time, and all the time its over petty sht, WHY DONT THEY FKING GO SOLVE A HOMICIDE OR CATCH BURGLERS INSTEAD OF DEALING WITH A CAR REVVING AN ENGINE (WHICH WASNT EVEN ME TO BEGIN WITH).

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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    in the defense of cops
    for the most part theyre regular people tryna do their job, be nice, DONT show attitude and if its not anything ridiculous, BE HONEST! (trips em out everytime)
    alota the time theyll let you go w/ warnings

    on the other hand.....
    im sick and tired of being followed for nothing more than being a young male with a "nice" car driving at night, its like theyre there just waiting for me to fuck up or act suspicious,tryna find a reason to pull me over

    so it works both ways

    the cop actually told u to roll up your windows? did he tell u he pulled you over for revving or for the tint? either way, yeah thats pretty grimey
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    That sucks, the cop might have been having a bad night though...

    Like bulletproofswordsman says, usually when you are extremely polite and extremely honest with a cop, it kind of throws them off-guard (I know it helped me get a few warnings over the years...), but then you just get the cop who was probably a bully in high school and thougth "how can I keep on bullying people... and get paid for it?"
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    Fuck The Police!!!!!!!!!
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    renandabomb New Member

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    k they said they jacked me for revving engines and they thought my car was modified. its completely stock. 100% STOCK. the cop asked me if i had modified pipes.. wtf? IT DOESNT MATTER! THEY WROTE ME UP FOR TINT AFTER TELLING ME TO ROLL MY WINDOWS UP. THEY HADNT PREVIOUSLY KNOWN THAT THE TINT WAS ON THERE UNTIL AFTER THEY JACKED ME AND ASKED ME TO ROLL THEM UP. I DIDNT GIVE ATTITUDE NOR DID I REV MY ENGINE NOR IS MY CAR MODIFIED. sorry im just really pissed.

    anyone recieve a tint window ticket before?
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    I got a tint window ticket once... all I had to do was pay it... I still have the tint on my car its kinda like a seat belt ticket here in colorado... if they give you one its kinda like a warning no points just a 25 buck fine and they tell you to slow it down thats about it... and if your back window is tinted they would know that its aftermarket because of the way the tint sits on the heater lines so they do have reason to suspect that your fronts are tinted too...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    again...in defense of the police...

    i've come across supposedly "corrupt" individuals within the police force, and have been treated with the same respect as i give them. i've never shown attitude, have always smiled, always have my license and registration sitting out my window when they walk up. if you show even a SHRED of attitude/snottiness, they'll be less likely to be lenient.

    i have been pulled over a handful of times in the past 2 years, and have NEVER come home with a ticket since purchasing this car. all it takes is giving the officer who pulls you over a ton of respect, and they'll be more likely to let you off.
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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    In Cali, a ticket for your tint should be a "fix-it" ticket. Basically, when I got the same fix-it ticket, they wanted me to take the tint off the front windows and go to a CHP office to have them write it off. Luckily when I got my tint I got a special deal where you show them the ticket, they'll take the tint off for you and then put it back on after you clear the ticket....all for free!
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    unless of course you drive through morrison colorado where they'll give your grandmother a ticket for doing 2 miles over their 25 mile an hour speedlimit... but any who... yeah just don't mouth off to the cop and normaly you'll be fine... if they ask you if you have modified pipes be honest and say no don't snap back at them if they ask you to roll up your window, do it (not all the way of course) if it was obviously somebody elses fault and your getting blamed for it... fight what ever ticket you got in court, they do HAVE to prove that it was you and not somebody else. and to comment on the first post about cops doing their jobs. most metropolitan police departments and even most rural departments have a trafic division that all they do is pull people over, so if he was in the trafic department then yes he was doing his job, he is probly a rookie or second year he is not alowed to aprehend criminals unless he actully sees a crime taking place and even then he has to call for backup.... my aplogies for the very long post...
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    I never have my licence or registration ready for the cop, since the registration is in the glovebox, i'd rather not start looking around in there and arousing the cops suspicion... if its at night though, I always put my dome light on so they can better see me and see that there is nothing dangerous inside the car (and so they don't shine that ******* flashlight right in my face!)
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    I think is a rule that the cop has to apsolutly blind you when he is pulling you over... with the flashlight and with the spotlight that they always put in your rearview... sucks aye...
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    moved to Debates and Rants
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    renandabomb New Member

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    San Jose, California
    I think your right. man i cant get over this ticket GRR WHAT AN ANNOYING TIME TO GET A TICKET
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    intimidation tactics
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Westminster, CO
    indeed - i hate it when cops do that
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    In the words of NWA "**** the police" and thats the truth. I hate the cops. I've never had a ticket because I've gotton off with 7 warnings which your probably thinking now "Why is he saying **** the police then?". Because all 7 times I was pulled over was for completely wrong stupid **** that made absolutly no sense and ultimatly wasted my time so a cop could go on a little ego trip. The only reason I got off with warnings was because I did everything short of give the cop a BJ, "Sorry Sir", "I deserve a ticket", "I really didn't know officer", "I appologize so much", etc ,etc. God **** just once I wish I was a millionaire so I could just tell the cop to sit on a fence post and spin. And then take the ******* police to court like 50 times a year and require that cop to be present just to waste his time and destroy his reputation. ARG! I guess this got me venting a little too ;)
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    **** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!vcFuck da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!**** da police!!!!!..........just bored here!...lol...sorry!
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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    Hate 'em when you're young, respect them when you're old.
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    deep!!...na not really
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    01rollas New Member

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    Deep South, Texas , currently in Okinawa, Japan
    i hate cops period! sometimes they get you for the stupidest ****, other than that i respect them.as they do to me regardless of my background.before i joined i never had any major problems or even minor at that. the only thing that pissed me off was when it took them 2 hrs to get a cop to come over to my house when they stole my car back in feb this year. i had no ride to get to the PD. then it took them another 4 hrs to find the **** thing when a nearby PD had already picked it up because they crashed. till this day i can't press charges becuase they won't release ANY info to me so that i can press charges and to make matter even worse the main suspect that stole my car his aunt works at the station!. that is the only thing i hae against the city and the PD right now but besides that they have been doing thier job pretty good lately.
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    e_andree E

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    Its a defense mechanism....theyre taught to shine the light in your mirror, because it shields their movements as they walk up to the car, as well as allows them to see all of your movements.

    And the flashlight shining is so they can watch your eyes react to the light...has nothing to do with intimidation.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Cops are intimidation machines, If you don't beleive that then you must live in a really nice neighborhood, where I live all the cops are high school dropouts with power trips.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    This is my experience when on campus with police.

    In defense of policemen:
    They always give me thumbs up or approving smile when I'm in my car.

    They act totally different when I'm dressed different in my other car.

    Just like everyone else, police judge initially by looks; i.e, theyre normal people.
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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    Speaking of that...my friend was telling me today of her day in Jury Duty. One man would not let the attorney finish questioning. It went something like this:

    Man: "Why is the man we're suppose to be judging not here? We need to see what he looks like!"
    Attorney: "He's not here, and what he looks like has no relevance in this case"
    Man: "But how do I know he's not some gang banger or something?"
    (at this point my friend and other jurors are getting irritated...when all of a sudden)
    Woman: "Yeah, I want to see what he looks like too."
    Man 2: "I think I would like to see his face also"

    When my friend finished her story I was so infuriated by the reaction of these people.
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Where I live the cops are required to have a college degree to get their job, so that really diminishes the incompitance rate a lot. Always a plus.

    On the up side at least they didn't get you for street racing. I'm pretty sure they just passed a law here *or so the campus police have stated* that reving your engine at a light constitutes an arrest for street racing. I don't know about that for sure, but at least it didn't happen to you.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    99.9999999 percent of ALL world wide Industrialized police forces, Require you to have a college degree, and infact in america I do beleave that to get in the acadamy you have to have a high school deploma or GED in EVERY jurisdiction in EVERY state. and then you go through the acadamy and then still have to go through at least 2 years of college before you become a cop...
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    e_andree E

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    Well, 99.9% require a GED, so whoever said they were high school dropouts doesnt know shit.

    9 out of 10 departments in the state of Maryland require a MINIMUM of 60 college credit before you can even submit your application....once you go through the entire process, the academy is about 6-7 months long, and you leave the academy as a police officer (well, 3 months probationary street time with a partner), and this is all if you get an offer after the academy. In some jurisdictions, just because you went through the academy doesnt mean youre guaranteed a job. Most do though, because youre paid through the academy.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Maybe in Maryland, not here. And BTW I do know shit ;) Quit hating.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Most cops are crooked as shit too. They do shit they bust everyone else for every day and I don't like that. I know cops that pirate software, and I know cops that smoke weed. I guess I have been jaded because my exposure to police officers has always been in a poor light, maybe someday that will change.
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    Barnacles - I HIGHLY doubt cops in Cali are hired without even a GED, despite what you might think. I'd have to see proof of that to ever believe it. And also you live in Cali, probably the most ass-backward, anti-everything state there is. It seems every moronic law originated in CA somehow, including anti-modification laws.

    Regardless, not all cops are bad. Ive had my encounters with cops, and because I treat them with deference and respect (as you always should) Ive been let off. drop the anti-cop attitude and you WILL see a major change in how cops treat you.

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