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Vent in the left side of the trunk?

Discussion in 'Interior' started by statik, Sep 29, 2004.

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    statik New Member

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    Vent in the left side of the trunk?

    Has anyone ever closed up that vent in the drivers side of the trunk? It has about 4 horizontal rubber flaps, its in the left corner of the trunk and vents out to the inside of the rear bumper. Know what I'm talkin about? I live in a dusty area and there is a bunch of dirt in the left side. It will probably leak out into the finished trunk space so I was thinking of sealing it up. Anyone know what exactly its for? keeping animals alive in the trunk? :p
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    no idea what ur talkin about...take a pic
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    statik New Member

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    Ok. I'm not quite sure how its getting inside. I know it goes out into the bumper, which I thought was filled with styrofoam. The wheel well covers are on there. I should look at it closely to find out. There are alot of dirt/gravel roads around here. Alaska is very dusty and dry during the summer. I can't wait to move back to Maryland, then I can keep my car clean!

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    CraigW New Member

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    If you do cover it up I would not make it permanent until you do some research and see if it causes problems the 2 that I can think of are 1, harder to close the doors (path for trapped air path changed) and 2, you may have problems with condensation build up (depending on your climate) I cannot run my system on "recirc" for very long or the windows will fog up and I think that vent is part of the exit path for the air running through the system. CW
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    93corolladx Guest

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    I know what you're talking about. I believe it is to let air out of the trunk when you slam it closed. I guess there probably wouldn't be a problem with covering it up but how was dirt getting into it? I've never had a problem with that.

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