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Timing or Valves?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Humorris, Sep 23, 2005.

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    Humorris Guest

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    Timing or Valves?

    I have a 2003 corolla I drive it like i stole it and it started tapping the other day i can hear it when idling if im under the hood when i drive it gets louder till the car shifts there by taps louder at higher loads but is not heard when driving consistent speeds can be heard again if you let of gas and let car slow down on its own. So what do u think Vavles or Timing Chain? Oil changed every 3000 car has 92500 miles on it now
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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    you average 46250 miles a year? holy shit
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    You may be due for a valve lash adjustment. This requires removing valve cover and checking clearance with feeler gauge. Shims are replaced for adjustment, after removing camshafts...

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