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Tein SS compatible with the EDFC ?

Discussion in 'Stop, Drop & Roll' started by Left-Track, Sep 9, 2004.

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    Left-Track Guest

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    Tein SS compatible with the EDFC ?

    Hi guys !

    Just a quick question : do someone know if the Tein SS kit is compatible with the Tein EDFC (Electronic Damping Force Controller) ?

    tx !
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    03corollaS Guest

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    On Tein's product info page http://www.tein.com/toyota.html it says that the EDFC is not compatible with the SS coil-overs for the 03+Corolla. I believe that there is either clearance issues or that the dampening adjustment points are not the correct size to work with the EDFC. I have heard of some people that modify their dampening adjustment knobs to work with this unit but I do not have any experience with it.
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    808corolla Guest

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    non compatilbe due to the hood clearance.
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    KingKuei Guest

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    Hmmm.... that's interesting. One of the guys in my car club (www.ncfour.com) has the TEIN SS with EDFC installed. He lives in San Francisco, white Corolla with Vuteq Type B kit (it was sponsored). The setup was fine for awhile, although just a few weeks ago his main accessory fuse blew out. He replaced it, drove for a while fine again, then hit a big bump, and ZAP! It blew out again. He's got it isolated down to the EDFC now. Maybe it's a bad ground or loose wiring or something, but it is installed and it works. So I don't know what the clearance issues are.
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    Addicted2Boost Guest

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    The problem was with the people who installed my EDFC, not the EDFC unit itself.

    Oh yeah, ONLY Corolla with the EDFC right now.

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