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Stupid SUV drivers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GSE21tuner, Nov 2, 2006.

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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Stupid SUV drivers

    they think they own the road and move over all over the road without signaling in their gay ass raised SUVs or driven my soccer moms drinking coffee and talking on the cell phone while screaming at the kids in the back to shut up. there was a flash rain squall on the freeway i take on the way to school which hit and an suv in the fast lane was driving frickin insanely fast in this pouring rain loses it, smacks the center divider and rips off its front bumper. The front bumper bounces over 2 lanes and hits my car going 65 and cracks the bottom part of my front bumper in half. I'm late for school so I just keep driving, but it really pisses me off!!! I didn't find out my bumper was cracked till i got to school and looked at it. Goddamn suv drivers. Now i hafta get a replacement bumper and pay to repaint it. greeeeat...
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    corolla_man_j Guest

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    if you were already late for school why didn't you stop and get a claim. It's not the SUV driver's fault you didn't stop and get a report, and insurance info
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    It was during finals. :( I didn't have time to stop. sucks
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    magoomaggie Guest

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    OMFG i hate SUV drivers. they don't have respect for people. they can't drive and talk and eat all at th esame time. someone should kill every person who owns an suv.
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    corolla_man_j Guest

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    It's funny that there is a huge hate of the SUV drivers, but I am wondering how you came to the conclusion that all SUV drivers don't respect anyone. I don't think that it is a matter of SUV drivers "disrespect" anyone else, I think it goes to the skill of the driver. " Someone should kill every person who owns an suv " and they don't have respect for other people? And for the record, traffic accidents constitute as an emergency and is a valid excuse to get a time-limit extention. Check your school by-laws.
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    daniel2002p Guest

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    they think just because their cars are gasoholics and are 20 miles off the ground, their tires cant loose grip.... hate them and their tall a** headlights!

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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    I just think SUV drivers just dont look. i always drive smaller cars so when i'm in their blind spot, they cant see me too well and so many times i've been almost hit. of course cellphones, kids, music, etc can be a huge distraction but i wish drivers would look better. I would have to agree with corolla_man and say its lack of driving skills too. People just need to learn to drive better. ESPECIALLY SOCAL CALIFORNIANS. I've been to other states and people drive fast too but drive well. here its just bad. bleh. California sucks. I wish we all had to retake tests and people who cant drive correctly get to take the bus or something..
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    okay yeah lemme rephrase my original intent. I hate Socal SUV drivers. And if we're going to talk about bad drivers, Socal goes further than SUVs. Lets throw in trucks and cars that don't know how to signal or cruise at a constant speed without mashing the gas and braking every 2 seconds. Luxury car drivers fit right into this category. UGH!! Cutting everyone off just to move up one space in traffic and pissing off everyone in the process.
    My gf almost got into a car accident yesterday. More shitty drivers are on the road now since its the holidays.
    Bottomline: If you don't want to deal with idiotic drivers with little or no skill and definitely no patience, stay out of Southern California. Hell, stay out of California entirely. :(
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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    or just avoid rush hour times. i've been staying home unless i have to go to work.. xmas traffic is bad.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i saw some broad driving down the middle of the road the other day...she had a coffee in one hand and a phone in the other. she slammed on her brakes in the middle of the road and stopped all traffic on that side of the street.

    dumb, dumb, dumb.
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    haha bad drivers all across the country... in the end, people are morons... They say that as an individual, you are intelligent, however once in a group, you become stupid. LOL so true

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