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Sealed vs ported vs bandpass

Discussion in 'Interior' started by shortys408, Apr 29, 2004.

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    shortys408 Guest

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    Sealed vs ported vs bandpass

    Which has the best improvement of sql and sl. sealed bandpass or ported?
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    bimmernut Guest

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    Quoted from another site, hopefully this answers your question.

    "sealed will yield a fairly flat response, and is the most accurate type of box.
    a sealed box also requires the most power to attain the same SPL as other box types.

    a ported box is usually about +3dB more efficient at the frequency of the tuned port(s). These boxes require less power than sealed to reach the same SPL, but below their tuned frequency, they are very hard to control, and require great amounts of power to produce those below-port frequencies. Ported enclosures also add coloration to the sound, which detracts from their accuracy.

    bandpass boxes are +3 to +12dB more efficient, making these the loudest of the boxes, but they lack severely in sound quality and will not hit very deeply since they, as the name implies, are limited to a notch frequency range.. usually between about 50-100Hz. loud, not deep, and they can accept a lot of power due to the damping factor of the enclosure designs. Bandpass boxes are ideal for SPL competitions, but not recommended for anything desiring musicality such as a daily driver car.

    ...Yes ideally for SPL you'd go with a bandpass box, 6th or 8th order, if you have the skills to build it, which honestly few of us do, without blowing the cones right out of the drivers the first time you give it some juice, and you would, yes, tune the ports to the resonant frequency of the vehicle after severely damping the entire car top to bottom..."

    8th order Bandpass Box
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    kwong2001 New Member

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    I think all the SPL people use ported boxes instead of bandpass

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