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Engine scary engine noise...

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by CorollaULEV, Jun 11, 2004.

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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    scary engine noise...

    I left work this morning, went to BK, realized I forgot a book at work and had to go back. I parked in a 20-min parking spot, shut the engine off, ran inside, got my book and came back down (a grand total of about 5 minutes). When I got in the car I started the engine and got really terrified for a minute because the engine was making this horrible rapping noise. The engine was @ operating temp because I'd been driving so it started and the idle fell to the normal 750 or 800. So, the engine was running and it sounded exactly like an engine that had just had the oil changed and no oil had reached the valves, yet. It went away after about 30 seconds. I had enough time to sit and listen in terror, then as I popped the hood and started listening to the engine, it was gone. Yeah - I was real scared and a little puzzled

    Happened to anyone here? Lots of valve noise that subsided after a very LONG 30 seconds or so. :?: :?:
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    Maybe it was your belt and/or tensioner... :?:
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    lostboy New Member

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    uh...no ...
    but one time i put the car in reverse to back out of my garage... put the car in park ... and i heard this high pitched noise ... like the belt was messed up or something.. i put it in drive again and it went away... dealer mech said it was nothing .. if it happens again come back ... he said i had another 40k miles before it's too late... so whatever it is .. i hope they fix it before i hit my warranty limit

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