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Engine review of +20HP resistor MOD

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by 1337Rolla, Jul 20, 2004.

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    1337Rolla oh my

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    review of +20HP resistor MOD

    Well I unintentionally had this mod on my V6 mustang. The sensor that tells my coolant temperature fried, but the computer didn't tell me about it. The computer believed the coolant temp was around -30 degrees Celsius, but the car still ran okay for a Ford. So, after fixing it... I realize I had about 20 more HP before than I do now. Unfortunately, the car was dumping tons of gas in the engine and overheated. I ended up not catching it once and it went all the way past redline for like 5 minutes.. so I ended up fried the head gaskets and damaged the cylinder walls. After $1500 in work to fix the engine block and gasket. The car runs again, but it's weak and feels like it needs a supercharger now. So, please don't spend $10 on a +20HP resistor mod. You will be very sorry.
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    hooolala Guest

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    shit.. thats soo mess up...
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    APC_MATRIX_ Guest

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    I'm so glad that it is a crap mod cause it should be just by reading it, lol. Nice review :wink:

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