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Quite the predicament

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fgca_rolla, Dec 14, 2005.

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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Fort Myers, FL
    Quite the predicament

    My room mate who drives an Integra flew home *to Maryland* yesterday for the holidays. He left his car here at my apartment place. I go out tonite to get something from my car and realize some one had ran into his car at some point over the day. There was no real physical damage other than extensive scratching to the paint, no dents. The paint left on his car was blue and there was mud that had been knocked off on to his bumper. I called him and told him since I'm a nice guy. What he doesn't know though is that one building over I found a blue blazer that has white scuff marks and scratches at the same height with a lot of mudd on the inside of his bumper. He had just washed it today and parts of the scratches were painted over with touch up paint. I took pictures of the two cars to send to him for a comparison.

    Here's my question. Being that we don't have 100% physical evidence, just reasonable suspision should he file a police report? Just wanna get everyone's opinions on the matter.
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    yes... u should file a hit and run w/ the cops but do the claim first but i dunno how u are gonna do a claim... i remember last time i was driving my company car and got rear ended when i turn in to a small mall, the guy left the scene and luckily a off duty cop saw everything was my witness and told me what to do...
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    Yeah I just don't know if we have substantial evidence on the guy. Its not an issue of getting it paid for because I can't think of an insurance company that doesn't cover hit and runs. Its just the principle of the thing. The guy should either be fined for his stupidity or dragged behind the integra until he cries.
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    e_andree E

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    Yes, take pictures immediately and then contact the police
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    BigWilly New Member

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    up in canada we have CRC's. collision reporting center. report it as a hit and run .. and say you found the culprit (with photographic evidence). He'll get charged. His insurnace will skyrocket and if it was in canada it IS an HTA arrestable offence (indictable) (fail to remain). don't know the laws down there ;).. hope this helps.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Just go over and put a rag in his gas tank and light it and problem solved... Just kidding :D But yeah if you have pictures turn his ass into the cops.

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