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Engine Possible causes for my engine pinging...

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by CorollaULEV, Sep 7, 2004.

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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    Possible causes for my engine pinging...

    I have an AEM CAI and I've been reading about how the K&N filters are oiled. So the oil from these filters can get sucked up and deposited on the heated wire of MAF sensors, causing the ECU to see less air entering the engine than what really is coming in, i.e., creating a lean mixture. This would explain the engine pinging @ WOT I've been having recently and probably all along but haven't noticed. Any ideas on this one????

    I've also been reading about how the little honeycomb plate that sits in front of the MAF sensor on the stock airbox serves to smooth the airflow. It directs the air in a straight path so there's not so much turbulence in the stream. Removing this mesh causes turbulence, which will give the ECU a false reading that less air is entering the engine than what is actually coming in. Unaccounted for air, once again leading to a lean mixture. Ideas on this are welcome also!!!!

    What are the limits of the fuel trim on the TCCS? Is it +/- 10% that the ECU can compensate for?

    Any comments/advice is appreciated,
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    clean the MAF with some alcohol on a cotton swab or pick up a new one at the dealer they shouldnt charge you more than 15 bux for one.
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    APC_MATRIX_ Guest

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    Yeah right, dealers charge like $300 for MAF sensors, they aren't cheap.

    Anyways, just clean it off with some brake cleaner or alcohol and you'll be good to go. Don't forget to reset your ECU though :wink:

    If you are curious, there is a thread on how to do this over on www.matrixowners.com but the site is down right now...
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    ryan fedor Guest

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    i also have a pinging noise but you can only hear it at idol and it was after i installed my intake...do you think thats what it is with the oil or whatever
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    Pinging (pre-ignition) only occurs under load, at low to medium RPM'S. Your VSV ticking noise has already been explained here;topic 8167
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    imported_auditech Guest

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    I have a knocking type noise that occurs at idle when the A/C is on. The engine is 100% bone stock. When I push in the clutch, the noise goes away for a breif period and then returns. Maybe this is the same thing you are experiencing or at least related?

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