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Engine Popping noise from exhaust

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Drummer426, May 19, 2004.

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    Drummer426 Guest

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    Popping noise from exhaust

    i just put on my magnaflow exhaust (not cat back) and had my resonator removed with it. It sounds great and all but as my car is slowing down i hear this popping sound. I don't think it's backfiring because i know that's a lot louder. But there is this popping as is decellerates. It only happens when i'm downshifting and it goes under 2500 or less. Is this normal or is something up?
    Thanks in advance

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    oddfish Guest

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    It could mean a few things. You might have an exhaust leak somewhere, the most obvious place to check would be where you hooked up your new muffler, it's possible the bolts may have loosened a little. It could just be normal noise too, for any car a small amount of unburned gas can make its way into the exhaust and the heat in the exhaust pipe burns the gas up, making a popping noise. It's just more noticable with the new muffler and the resonator being gone, someone else with the borla exhaust would be able to better tell you.
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    RollaS New Member

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    I'm gonna say it's normal, i used to have a universal muffler on my car and it used to do that too. Has not done it since i put my TRD muffler on though.
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    Schoat333 New Member

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    my magnaflow does that when its damp outside but not all the time... prob just the dampness and heat mixture.
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    vanion2 Guest

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    Yes. It is a common thing and has no negative effect on you car. It has to do with reduced back pressure on your exhaust. Not every setup does it but it is nothing to be really concerned about (though I would check your weld for leaks just to be safe).
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    CorollaAltis New Member

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    me too. but not just when its damp. nothing to worry about. on my other car, it does it too and it has a cherry bomb
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    Drummer426 Guest

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    Thanks to everyone with their input. i was talking to a few more people and they said the same thing as everyone did here. The muffler guy said part of it had to do with my resonator being removed and that's whats making it louder. My friend has a magnaflow on his honda hatchback and he said the same thing happens to him. Thanks again to everyone for their help!!! :D

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