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Petition for Merger of vvt-i.net and vvti.net

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JDLangevin, Jun 13, 2005.

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    JDLangevin Guest

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    JDLangevin Guest

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    First of all, stop saying that all the posts here will be wiped out. They can all be merged into vvt-i.net

    And why go to vvt-i? Let me think... Oh I know! Because this boards goes down ALL THE TIME sometime for MONTHS at a time! The only admin of this board, hoolala, has not been seen in months. He doesn't take care of the place for whatever reason. His PM box is full, he never answers emails.

    Those are some pretty good reasons. And as far as vvt-i being the backup board, that might have been true until this site was basically abandoned, but it's not anymore. In general it's more active than here.

    And what's up with vvti right now? I feel like I'm surfing on a 14k modem it's so slow...
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    e_andree E

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    wukong Banned

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    why should there be a merge? vvt-i has douche mods and vvti crashes all the time. So take your pick :p
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    LowRolla Will work for turbo

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    i dunno - i know neither side is gonna just concede and merge with the other, leaving ONE "vvti or vvt-i" site, but it IS kinda dumb to have two basically identical forums (except for the color scheme) with the same purpose and mostly the same members.

    I personally think both sides should suck up their pride, not worry about who was first, last or in between, better or worse, and do the best thing for the corolla enthusiast community both are supposedly here to serve. I think a new URL should be made that both sites forward to where everything can be put together and both sides can co-exist because it is dumb to have 2 identical forums with identical members and almost identical names.

    Just the $0.02 from a corolla guy who's been around these boards a long time and is TIRED of all the bitching and competing between 2 boards that are exactly the fucking same.
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    JDLangevin Guest

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    Don't make that sound different than it is. Only a couple hundred people actually come here on a regular basis and you know it.

    And this issue is bigger than you or I and some ego trip that you're on because YOU make the decision, you HAVEN'T BEEN AROUND to make ANY decisions!

    If you don't want to merge the sites, then so be it. But you're only hurting the Corolla community.

    That's my last statement on this subject, it's up to you now.

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    JDLangevin Guest

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    WORD. Well said. Sadly no one will listen because people think only of themselves. <img src="http://vvti.net/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Frown" />
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    hooolala Guest

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    i'm currently working on changing the server for both VVTi.net and 9thgencorolla.com (because PO:what:EB SUCK!!!) and i will change the template for this site this 2 days.

    btw...I WILL NOT MERGE WITH VVT-I.NET!! mostly because i'm pissed at those copycat!! i started vvti.net, i don't want some copycat to use the name. if they change their name to something else then i might think about it.

    oh.. one more thing, after about a year messup life, i'm finally settling down. therefore i will have alot more time taking care of this site and be more active.
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    JDLangevin Guest

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    In case you forgot David, vvti was down for something like a month the last time, and the forum members needed a place to go. The people of vvti and vvt-i want this merger to happen, please put more thought into it. Look at this thread:


    And if making a new name for the forum and putting the two together there, then so be it! How about www.corollaforum.net ?

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    hooolala Guest

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    oh, i guess you forgot about this, when c3racing went down, which forum was opened up for people to go? "VVTI.NET" did

    look at your petition, how many people sign? 18.. and how many members on this site? 2500

    you can make up any names you want. I AM the one that decide if i want to keep this forum or not, not you. therefore if you don't like vvti.net then goto your VVT-i.net. period
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    iam with david
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    hooolala Guest

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    if i HAVE to be here to make all the decisions than why do i even need mods for???

    yes, couple hundred people comes here, than what about in VVT-i.net?? with 450 people only 18 sign up?? whats up with that?

    also it is not my fault when the powweb turn off the CGI on their server that cause this site offline for a month... do you even know how many time i had to call to their customer service to get this site back up?? and it is not my fault that someone has to go and open another VVT-i.net that cause the problem today. so don't act you know everything.
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    SlowRolla97 New Member

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    Your pissed because they made a site and a simular domain name while your site was down for MONTHS? Real mature...
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Statesboro, GA
    I noticed that my post was deleted...

    I really don't see a need for this.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    your real mature for only have 47 posts and thinking that you are a major contributor..
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    honestly, guys, i won't sign either petition.

    while i see the reason behind wanting the forums to merge, i'm GLAD this site now has a staffed, contributing team of mods and admins. i'll admit, i was exasperated for a good while when this site went down.

    i WILL say this, though. i'm not going to be "loyal" to either site. i enjoy this site, despite my enforced vacation thanks to someone else's annoyance. let both coexist. they can both serve their purpose in harmony, if people will stop the rivalry.

    besides...that way those who like this forum over the other(i.e. wukong) can stay here, and vice versa. i'd like to see more harmony than name-calling and finger-pointing(this includes myself...i've been guilty of that too).

    David - glad to see your life is less crazy, and you're able to be around here more. that is heartening.
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    Drummer426 Guest

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    Personally i like this site more than vvt-i. I know the site here has gone down, but so do tons of other forums. 2k3.org was the first place i called home but then started coming here. That place went down. I go to both here and 9thgen(and not the fake 9th gen) and I'm content with that. Personally whatever the deal with the mods over there and here is stupid. Great that you love it over there now, but honestly stay over there then. Don't come over here and try to stir up sh*t. YOu say you want to unite the two? Seems like you're seperating it even more. If people wanted to go over there they'd be there....
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    well to actually say it now I'd rather leave vvti.net and vvt-i.net how they are.... screw the merge I know hoolala will never do it and to change the domain name would be stupid I bet CB wouldn't change it (or who ever runs vvt-i.net)..... I dk this is like one of those stupid turbo vs S/C threads man.... it's pointless to merge cause there will be more conflict cause lots of ppl r against the merge... I was for the merge but seeing all this drama here I decided to take it to neutral...
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    mingww New Member

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    Vancouver, B.C
    i'd rather have two sites than just one.
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    e_andree E

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    Well, the merge wont happen now, but maybe in the future after things calm down. There is no competition between the boards....unless you make it that way. And theres none coming from this end.

    Having two boards isn the end of the world. For the very very few people that dont like having two boards, pick a board and stick with it then. No hard feelings.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    hopefully people can let this blow over

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