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News people who are in law enforcement *venting*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by igorien2k, Oct 24, 2005.

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    igorien2k New Member

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    people who are in law enforcement *venting*

    i'm sorry, but 90% of people who want to go into law inforcement are douchebags. like this kid at my school:


    he's a part of the greek community on campus. he works at a restaurant where my gf's sorority just rented out a room for a party. at this restaurant, people who are 21 get marked with a marker pen on their hand. he locks me in the bathroom and makes me empty out my pockets. he finds a pen in my pocket and throws me and my gf out. keep in mind its like 20 degrees outside. and i didnt know i had it in my pocket and thus my hand wasnt even marked. then he proceeds to recard everyone(except his fraternity brothers) in the restaurant, interrogates them about their license(asks them to recite the number from memory) and when people ask him what gives him the authority he says, "i'm the authority here so i can". fuckin douchebag. one day i should slash his tires or something.
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    e_andree E

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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    Be careful igorien2k, a lot of people on here (especially e_andree) absolutely love cops and have deep roots into law enforcement and they will get you banned if you speak out about your experience with cops. But just between you and me I agree with the douchebag statement ;)
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!!Fuck the police!!! OH WAIT I MEANT FUCK WANNABE COPS!!!!!....LOL E_ANDREE DONT HAVE A HEART ATTACK...LOL
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    Hahahahahahahah! :):):)
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    e_andree E

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    Ignorance is bliss I guess.

    To say 90% of people who want to get into law enforcement is an ignorant statement. Of course YOU would reply in this thread....and the maturity level of yours and jtweezys post shows that you two are about 16 years old, so its all good. And hes not talking about his experience with cops...so bite it

    So what does this have to do with law enforcement?
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    igorien2k New Member

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    i'm sorry to assume things i was just pissed. i just hate how people who arent even police officers yet think they can make people do what they say even though they have no proof that someone did something wrong and go on power trips. i have respect for police and the law, i just hate to see it abused.

    oh, this guy is absolutely crazy about being a police officer. thats why i'm a bit scared that he might abuse his power.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    so 1 guy = 90% aye... humm that meas all my cop friends are all just this one bouncer at a restruant and then why did he lock you in a bathroom did you know him before hand did he not like you... you had to have given him some reason why he would do this... I'm sorry most people who want to be cops are as nice as the next guy, and its rare that you get somebody who is a dick but unfortunatly these are the guys who you run in to out on the street because the nice cops are too busy being policemen to jerk you around.
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    e_andree E

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    And I totally agree with you.

    He probably will......and he'll be part of that small percentage. Or hopefully, the process will mature him, and by the time hes out of the academy, he'll be over that.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    How does the maturity level place my age at around 16? Could you please give me the formula you used to come to this conclusion? I'm going to have to call BS on you unless you can state actual proof that I'm about 16 years old :)
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    LOL LOL damn thats a good 1!!! damn 16???? yeah how did he get that?
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    Moved to the Rants Forum. :)

    I have friends that are cops also. Military and Civilian. Most of them are just doing their job, and they are pretty cool about most things. You have to think, if you run into a police officer and start getting in a bad move about your ticket (which you deserve most of the time) and get huffy-puffy then the officer might be a dick back. Heck that goes for almost any job, cop or not. The officers I have encountered have always treated me with respect because I respect them.

    Of course there are also the jerks that you mentioned like this glorified security guard guy. :)
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    is he actually law enforcement? or just a sort of rent a cop for the particular event? him "locking" you in the bathroom is illegal on all counts. i would have told him im exiting the restroom, and had he not let me, i would have forcefully exited the restroom where i would have then left the, immature to begin with, gathering and promptly filed a police report. your lack of action puts you at just as much fault as he is.

    to me he sounds a slight power hungry.
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, like a mature adult would post up crap like that....:superconf
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    LoSx New Member

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    I actually have been profiled against wrongly a few times when it comes to law enforcement!

    Lets name some...

    1) Get pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign with 2 passengers in my car. (Not only did I stop I stayed there close to 15 seconds while someone in the back helped me find a cd to put in) He proceeds to tell me I didnt stop to which the rear passenger was like uhmm I was handing him a cd etc etc so he decides to give me a warning for not stopping (Ill be happy to take a lie detector test I stayed at the stop for near 10 seconds minimum. He also said he was across the street watching me when he had really just come through a corner and saw me as I was taking off.

    2) Happened two days ago. I got pulled over by a cop for illegal tint after getting $4500 in damage to the back of my car... Proceeds to state that my tint might be too dark but he cant tell so he asks for registration and license... to which he comes back after 2 - 3 minutes and goes oh an accident just happened I have to go (Cool right I got off my ticket) he turns on his sirens and goes into a local shopping center and into the subway for food. (I was going home and he pulled me over 20 seconds away so I saw where he went... im assuming he saw in the computer that I had been pulled over about my tint before and it was fouind to be ok twice already)

    3) I was pulled over fro "street racing". Yeah let me give the back story.. Im headed home.. there are 3 cars on the road... Im in the left lane doing 40 in a 45 volvo is in the middle doing about 45 and mustang on the right lane doing well over 45. I see the cop up ahead and chuckle cuz I know the mustang will get a ticket... Mustang sees the cop too late but goes all the way to left and does a uturn where I have to do a left turn. I do my left and head down a small road thas a shortcut to my house when I get pulled over for street racing the mustang. I was behind both cars doing under the speed limit and got pulled over. I was like uhmm I wasnt street racing im going home. The cop then basically says I saw you streetracing the mustang... I was like uhmm no I wasnt Im going home... he gets my license and registartion and looks my info up and comes back after 2 or 3 minutes again and says oh I see you live up the street drive safely. (Again I got profiled when I did nothing wrong)

    4) This one is a kicker! I got pulled over and got nailed with a bunch of fix it tickets. My turning signals in the front had a blue tnt to the bulb (It made an amber/off white light) but was tinted blue so i get that for a fix it (Ok i can believe that)

    Heres the good part he then says my parking lights dont work (fix it checked) But didnt tell me to turn on my parking lights

    He says my miffler is illegal because its not stock (wrong again confirmed it with the state police at the MVA that signed off on the fix it ticket)

    Oh and heres the best part my id lamps were broken... when I asked him what those were he said I need to get them fixed. The state police LAUGHED at this... why because trucks are the only things with ID lights... they tell me call and complain.

    Ok so I call the local police station in gaithersburg where i was pulled over and the girl was liek I know who that is hes a wheaton jurisdiction cop..... he pulled me over in plain clothes in gaithersburg though oh well...

    Get the wheaton police and the luitenant or sargent or whatever was above him began to interogate me on the phone telling me that hes a very knowledgable police officer and knows what hes doing... I told him the state police told me to complain and he was like that BS cuz the cop is very knowledgable.. TO witch I asked him do you know what ID lights are and he got mad and said hes upsset the officer didnt give me 4 tickets instead of the fixit ticket which I replied that would have been nice because he would have felt stupid when I got a state police office that signed off on my fixit ticket to prove him wrong... he didnt let me file a complaint even though I requested to... WTF

    I have however met some good officers as well including one who gave me a speeding ticket which I did not contest and took the points (1 pt $55) because the officer was corteous and I was obviously wrong so hey I bit the bullet... but when cops are complete asses for no reason it really annoys me... I mean a lot of then are on power trips it seems.... and they protect their own a lot even when they are wrong..

    I respect cops they put their lives on the line everyday for shitty pay and they are hated and get attitude from a ton of people which does suck but trust me they have their share of assholes as well...

    Thats why I stay away from rockville friday and saturday afternoon and nights... I get pulled over for no reason out there and usually they let me go after walking around my car and seeing nothing wrong with it... but they still pull me over because its modified and all those asshole drivers around that area with modified cars give me a bad rep...

    So I will agree some of them are assholes with powertrips.. and I have a good ammount of proof to back it up. Also I have many peopel who have been with me when I get pulled over for no reason at all and they are always surprissed because they are liek wow I didnt realize that they really do profile you!
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    Thats such bullshit, I hear ya LoSx.
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    e_andree E

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    If "everyone", is getting profiled, its not really profiling, is it?
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    LoSx New Member

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    No only hooked up cars get profiled so that is profiling...
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    right, because you never see normal cars getting pulled over? please dont be ignorant.
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    Ellada New Member

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    i think only 10% are douchebags, and i have never come up to a douchebag cop either though.
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    e_andree E

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    Thats the funniest comment Ive ever heard....

    My wife got pulled over last week for speeding in her 2000 Pathfinder. Did she come home and complain that she was profiled? No.

    A minority gets in my wifes pathfinder, and he gets pulled over for speeding. Whats the first thing most will say? That he/she was profiled. Its a crock of shit.

    If I get pulled over in my passat, Im not going to bitch that I was profiled. Police departments are pushing to enforce the modified car hobby....

    Its just an excuse for minorities to use when they have run ins with police. I think it makes them feel better....like its justification.

    Its damn annoying. Im getting sick and tired of hearing it...its 2005, and Im not naive to the fact that racism/profiling etc exists in the world, but dont use it as a fucking excuse every damn time.
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    LoSx New Member

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    Ok they profile in rockville PERIOD> Drive a modified car through rockvill eon friday or saturday night and your almost guarenteed to get pulled over PERIOD! Yes they pull other people over as well dumb ass but they are pulling a greater percentage then typical of modified cars.

    If you dont think that they profile then you are retarded... Of course they profile but sometimes there are good reason.. IE. the people in rockville with those modified cars usually do stupid shit on the road.. Its annoying that we all have to deal with it.

    If I get pulled over for a VALID reason then fuck it ill own up to it no problem but when I get pulled over , they walk around my car for a minute and check my record on their computer and come back and tell me to drive safely and thats it then why was I pulled over if not for profiling?

    Profiling exists if you have a modified car... especially in certain areas.

    Also I dont use it as an excuse... I have goten tickets and not contested them because I owned up that it was my fault but come on would you be happy if you were pulled over and given a fixit ticket for things that 1) dont exist on cars and 2) that when a different police officer looked at it said it was ok itll piss you off!
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    damn, i thought we already had one of these threads?
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    I think cops in DC are really good about the whole racial and/or modified car profiling issues. Because we have speed and red light cameras everywhere, cops tend to focus on the real crimes instead of stopping kids because they've got an exhaust on their car. I've only been pulled over twice in DC and only once did I get a ticket. I can't speak for MD or VA though.

    GA is whole different ball game though. I once got a ticket down here for sitting in front of a grocery store entrance, even while I was sitting in the car with the engine running. The cop told me it was a fire lane, so I told him I would just move. His respone was "You'll move after I write you a ticket..." WTF? Cops would never do that in DC. Luckily he was an idiot and wrote me up as being from Washington state, so I threw the ticket away.
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    e_andree E

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    You seem to be missing the point of what "profiling" really is.
    Legislation exists that regulates mods on modified cars! Traffic enforcement divisions do just that....they enforce traffic violations and vehicle codes. So when youre driving a modified car, you are NOT being profiled. So stop using it as an excuse.

    Cops wont do that in DC because they have better things to do.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    So, they're waiting for you to do something stupid because most of you (guys with modified cars) do something stupid in that town?

    :meh: Hmm I do not know the book definition of profiling, but I don't think that is.

    I would guess that if your looking for pumpkins, the best place to look is in a pumpkin patch... Hmm that made more sense to me when I was thinking it. :)
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    there are different types of "profiling" there is the bad kind which rarely occurs anymore and there is the good kind. which eric went over. there was a case is come big city that the local police department noticed that a bunch of white men were going into the black part of the city. soon enough they made the connection that they were in there buying drugs.. that used profiling. in flordia there was a case with a major in the state police who was pulled over in dade county for making an illegal lane change on the highway. that highway was a major drug traffic route. that officer knew that dealers travel that highway so he used profiling to pull this officer over thinking it was a dealer. its the people out there outside of the criminal justice loop that really dont know whats going on. PROFILING IS GOOD..
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    e_andree E

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    I wouldnt go as far as saying profiling is good......there are certain instances where you just know something isnt right.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    sounds to me like they are using common sense in noticing a trend and patrolling an area that requires more law enforcement presence.

    i got stopped going over hoover damn, every 10th car they pulled over. were they profiling me? there doesnt always have to be a clear and concise reason.

    ill tell you what though. a few of the folks posting in this thread wont screw around where they got pulled over, and will clearly spread the word. mission accomplished by the cops if you ask me...
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    does it get used as an excuse by minorities? sure it does
    just like there ARE infact cops who are assholes and abuse their power. but to come out and say "most minorities will say they were profiled" is no different than saying "90 % of cops are assholes"

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