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Official uggs for thugs wiretuck thread

Discussion in '8th Gen' started by Marriedtodanger, Aug 25, 2015.

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    Marriedtodanger Uggs for thugs

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    8thgen Corolla
    Alright, time to start a legit wiretuck thread for the 8th gen Corolla. Here is a list and I'll update with pics next week. I'm driving a uhaul with the rest of my tools to Ballerado right now and bored at the hotel.

    Things you will need:
    • wire in a couple of gauges for extending somethings
    • soldering gun and solder( you can use crimps but hey it's your car)
    • heat shrink and heat shielding
    • self vulcanizing electrical tape
    • razor blades ( not for drugs)
    • multi pin connectors
    • zip ties ( mans best friend)
    • drugs or alcohol (depends on what makes you focus)
    • aluminum ( for various brackets)

    So the plan is to pull the 3 fuse boxes in the cab, battery in trunk, and extend the motor, radiator, lighting wires only and hide them till the tip( just the tip) hehe. The fuse boxes will be hidden on brackets in the dead space under the dash panels. Still want to try and make them easy to get too.

    Here is a crappy pic so that you guys are not like pics pics pics. Just a teaser


    I had to zip tie everything back real quick to move my car to the new garage.

    Here is step 2
    remove as much as possible. bumper fenders, braces, etc..
    my internet gets hooked up tomorrow so more pics then.
    I am also upgrading my radiator, power steering res, pulleys while im doing this makes it easy to get too. also, no A/C and intake upgrade. I saved all my parts up for this day.

    Here is the next wave of pics. and you dont need to cut any ugly holes to pull harness through just patience.
    image.jpg IMG_1711.JPG IMG_1710.JPG IMG_1709.JPG IMG_1708.JPG IMG_1707.JPG IMG_1706.JPG IMG_1704.JPG

    next wave of pics. Here is the color im going to paint the bay area.

    The step now is separating the wires that will be relocated in the cab.

    wires you need to lengthen.

    starter power and there is a single black wire that is part of the ignition
    the auto trans wires (unless you have a manual)

    also separate the injector wires from the harness. they run on top everything else will hide under your intake mani.
    also, i saved the caps from a radiator swap to plug the inlets for the antifreeze
    IMG_1713.JPG IMG_1714.JPG

    To be continued again......
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    Marriedtodanger Uggs for thugs

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    8thgen Corolla
    Well unable to post to forums for some reason. Here is a jump forward pics image.jpeg
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    crolla "Wait did I just lose to a corolla?"

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    Looks good man

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