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New car

Discussion in 'Pictures & Photography' started by pyro_dude, Aug 14, 2005.

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    pyro_dude Guest

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    New car

    Well, this is a bit old, as you can tell from the photo's (there's snow on the ground :D) but I just recently (yesterday, actually) got the internet again, so I figured I better post this. January 13th I was in my 94 rolla and my girlfriend and I were leaving a Red Robin parking lot. As we were backing out of the parking spot, my floor mat somehow got over the accelerator. We wound up hitting a light post encased in cement at about 20 miles per hour. Needless to say, we had a hospital visit and a toast Corolla. She was still drivable, but the cost of repairing the car was more than it was worth, and the insurance company just wouldn't do it. 6 days later, I finally got a check for the car and the company picked it up. The next day I went to the local Toyota shop and picked up an 05 Rolla S. I wanted the Indigo Ink Pearl, but they didn't have it, so I had to settle for red ;). Pictures of the damage on the 94, taken the day before they took the car. My, how rust appears quickly!


    My parents bought the car new, so it was hard seeing her go, but then I got to drive this:


    Just wish it looked a little more like this:


    But I can deal with that until the warranty expires. I LOVE the new Corolla's!
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    pyro_dude Guest

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    Sorry about the double post :(
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    prrolla New Member

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    sorry to hear about the old rolla but things must change and you got a 05 S now enjoy!

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