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Need opinion on interior

Discussion in 'Interior' started by lostboy, Feb 24, 2004.

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    lostboy New Member

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    Need opinion on interior

    Hey people!

    I've got a lil situation here and i was wondering if you could give me your opinion.

    I did the dyi door inserts (thanks for those who came up with it) with red hawaiian print fabric cuz my lady loves it. Anyhow, i wanted to paint the dash pieces red also, but the krylon fusion and dupli reds don't match the prints.

    What would be your impression if you first saw my car and the red hawaiian prints did not match the red dash?

    or should i make it real obvious and put bright red paint on ... the hawaiian print is a red red ... somewaht dull .... i think it was closest to maple red for the dupli paint ...

    i don't think i mind the color diff cuz i'm semi color blind ... or at least it seems it sometimes ..., but the lady might

    thanks for your opinion
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    SquirrelMaster New Member

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    do you have an S? if not, is the hawaiian fabric meshing with the grey? maybe thats why it looks dull? if so, try putting a red fabric behind the hawaiian fabric?
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    lostboy New Member

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    i have an S ... the red is just not as bright as the paints out there ... thanks for the reply ... you're the only one! haha

    maybe putting a brighter red behind it might help a lil .. hmmm ... i'll try it thanks!

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