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My car is dead....and the V1 saved my butt...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RollaBlue, Dec 16, 2005.

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    RollaBlue New Member

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    New Orleans, LA
    My car is dead....and the V1 saved my butt...

    So coming back to to met from br, i ran over a aluminum ladder in the middle of I-10. No way to avoid it. And about 5 other people ran over it, but i had the worst luck.

    So i stop the car to check the damage. Damm it scratched and dented both of my passenger side rims. Gf looks under the car "somethings leaking" so i look under damm is oil!!! But at that moment its only dripping out. So i hurry up and turn the engine off. It starts streaming out. I was like shit!!! I look under the car again and see that it caught the oil drain bolt and it pulled it half way out and dented that spot in so it wont screw all they way in again. Its cold and its dark and i'm wondering what i am going to do.
    So i call a friend to bring some oil and some tools, but he's coming from the westbank and i'm just before the bridge that is before the first laplace exit, so about 30 miles away from NO. Moterist assist comes and i tell him what happened and he looks under the car and suggests to untighten the bolt and then retighten it so maybe it will stop leaking. So i do that and then he gives me a quart of oil, still streams out. So after about half and hour trying to fool with it, my friend shows up. He suggests maybe using a rubber gasket or something like that to wedge it between the bolt and the oil pan to stop the leak and drive it home. The closest exit is the laplace exit about 6 miles away where they have a truck stop and they might have someting to repair it with. So we dump 5qt of oil in the engine and race to the truck stop.

    So we get to the truck stop and go inside, but the only thing they have is a rubber tire patch kit for bicycles. We have to choice but to try it with that.
    by now all the rest of the oil has spilled out of the car. My friend cuts a hole in the patch and then puts the bolt through it. He tightens it up and i pour a some oil in. It Works!!!! its a slow drip!!!! So i dump another 5qts in and try and race home.

    I get to the end of the spill way V1 goes off 2 KA signals. I was like damm why today? Out of the three months that i have been driving back and forth they show up today!!!. About 2 miles down the road later and the V1 going off like crazy i see the first one in the median. As i pass him it looks like he is in the proces of turning around and coming into traffic heading in the same direcion as i am. Now the V1 says arrow ahead ka and arrow behing ka both very strong. 1 mile up the road i see the second one. As i pass him up it drops down to 1ka behind very very strong. I'm not sure if the first cop is following us or not, because i am going a little faster then the rest of the traffic because i want to get home before the car runs out of oil and the engine locks up.
    I finally get home, pop the hood and check he oil. About 1 or 2 quarts left.
    I made it!!! without hopefully messing up the engine.

    So i have Allstate, full coverage and 250 deductable. My delima is i dont know if i should calim it on insurance or not. The oil pan is 110 bucks and i can change it myself, so no labor cost. But my biggest question is if they will cover the cost to repair my rims. Any body have any experience with insurance and they covering cost to repair or replace non stock rims?
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    did u tell them u had aftermarket rims? if u did and they rraised ur rate because of it, then yes. if u didnt, it eint gona happen as far as i know
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    tell them you bent the stock wheels. They should give you some $$ for that and you can use that towards new rims.
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    chr12is New Member

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    ya they are gonna want to see the damage though
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    so dent ur stockers:D but damn dude, that sucks
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    Ellada New Member

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    so why exaclty you didnt pull over and called a tow-truck?
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    there was a ladder in the middle of the highway? go after the state for that one.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    had you actually gotten pulled over the you would have only had to tell the cop the truth.. they would have investagated it and because roadside was there it would have been confermed... then you could go after the state like fal. said and get your rims back and get your drain pan fixed...
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    RollaBlue New Member

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    New Orleans, LA
    Well you see I travel back and from New Orleans and Baton Rouge which is the capital for work. And so do many many other people who are moving back and forth and such. So there are alot of thing that fall off cars and trucks because people do not strap it down correctly or tight enough. Like for example ladders, christmas trees, charis, mattresses, etc.

    I did not call the two truck, because i did not want to pay the overpriced amout that they wanted to charge me to tow it 30 miles. Besides we managed to patch it up enough so it was on a drip. And made it home fine. The oil light did not come on once.

    The car is at the shop now, so far allstate is covering everything, new oil pan, my sideskirt that got ripped off, and to repair my rims.
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    e_andree E

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    Why? The only way hed be able to get compensation from the state is if he saw it fall of a state owned truck.

    You cant expect the state to be able to clean up every single thing out of the roadway immediately.
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    vg30dett93 New Member

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    only if you got the plates off of what dropped it then you could do somethin. Happen to a buddy of mine w/ a garbage truck and they paid for everything even a full size rental.

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